Chapter 28

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Following the arrival of the newcomers, it took Vardun a moment to recover his composure, but as he registered the presence of Marie and the Zamar Valley rebels, his smile grew even wider.  Truly, he was favoured by the gods.  He spread his arms, in victorious, triumphant greeting.

"Welcome, my hapless friends!  Welcome to—"

"George?" interrupted Marie.  "Is that you?"

Taking off his helmet, George blinked in surprise.  "Mum?"

Smile looking slightly strained, Vardun tried again.  "Welcome to your doom—"

"You recognise those guards?" asked Laya.

"Nope," said Arnutz, squinting at the two imposters.  "But I haven't got my glasses on."

"Oh, yes," replied Marie.  "That's my son and my father-in-law."

"Welcome to your—"

"Ah, the joyous rapture that can only be engendered by the reunion of family.  Truly, it warms the heart and enriches the soul, and one can feel—"

"Isn't that wrinkly one a bit old to be a guard?" queried Danus.

"Welcome to—"

"Old?" growled Grandpa.  "If I had a pie-cutter here, I'd show you who's old."

Danus' expression became longingly wistful.  "Mmm, pie..."


"I can't believe you two are here," sighed Marie, shaking her head.  "This is such a strange dream."

George frowned at her.  "What dream?"


"Vardun!" snapped Grandpa.  "Will you please stop bloody interrupting, you ungracious arsehole?  We're trying to have a conversation here."

In recognition of the day so far proving to be more exciting than most, Korbus had imbibed an extra drink or two, and was consequently waving his tankard around with more than the usual enthusiasm

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In recognition of the day so far proving to be more exciting than most, Korbus had imbibed an extra drink or two, and was consequently waving his tankard around with more than the usual enthusiasm.  Bup was starting to wish he'd brought an umbrella.

"So I says, I says...what did I say?  Oh yeah, I says to him, that, my friend, is a clear demonstration of the inherent instability of a system based upon the subjugation of the proletariat, the suppression of free speech and the enforcement of order at the end of a spear.  Yeah, that's what I said, alright.  And do you know what he said to me?"

Bup wiped a splash of beer from his eye.  "What did he say?"

"He said, 'Shut up, arse-face'."

"And who could blame 'im?" muttered Bup.

"What's that?"

"I said," replied the gnome, in a louder voice, "ooh, shame on him."  He smiled winningly at his friend, but only receiving a glare in return, was profoundly glad for the distraction provided by a tremendous crash, coming from the castle across the street.  "'Ello, looks like somethin's up, over at Vardy's place."

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