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{ Sophie's PoV}

We walked down so many passages that my heels were aching and just as I was going to whine out loud, Adam stopped in front of a door. He opened it and like the very gentlemen he was, a choking cough before he asked me to walk down the stairs. I groaned mentally ,another set of stairs to go down.

I raised an eyebrow in his direction before I walked down with him trailing behind me. I grabbed the railing as some sort of support for my tired self and walked absentmindedly. However, after awhile, I noticed that with each step I was going lower, it was getting dimmer and dimmer and I couldn't even hear Adams heavy footsteps behind me.

I paused on the last step to wait and feel Adams body heat but I couldn't sense anything, nor was there any heat or any sound except for my heavy breaths.

" Mr Larsen?" I spoke in the dead silence but there was no response. It was so quiet that my voice echoed and I cringed at how worried my voice sounded. I gulped as my heart beat started beating fast and the small hair on my neck stood pin straight, I lifted my side purse to my chest to get my phone out to switch the flash light on but my darn fingers were shaking so much that I couldn't even twist the purse lock.

I heard a distinct thud and I turned in that direction, I mentally cursed Adam, he was such a bastard to just leave me alone in a dark room.
What if he left me in the attic? An attic which hasn't been cleaned in ages and is populated with a bunch of giant lizards and spiders . After all we were talking about a beach right, who'd even come and clean here? My thoughts were going to the wildest end and I could actually feel sweat drip down my back. I heard a louder sound behind me and I turned so quickly that my pony hit the side of my face but what I felt scared the shit out of me that I screamed bloody murder.


{ Adam' s PoV}

I smirked as I saw Sophie's tired expression, I purposefully took the longest way just so that I could hear her complain but the strong headed woman kept her troubles to her self. I heard her sigh and decided it was enough torture for her, I opened the door to my favourite room and asked her to walk in front of me.

I didn't want her walking behind me and miss the view of her swaying hips again. She rolled her eyes at me but she agreed to walk in front of me. Thankfully, We weren't arguing as much as before and hopefully she didn't hate me as much.
Who you lying to Adam, she calls you an Arse!

Oh well at least she called me something other than Mr. Larsen. I hated her calling me that name. It made me feel like an old man and I craved to hear her say my name Adam. Just then a wicked thought entered my mind, I stopped walking behind Sophie and watched as her steps slowed down but I stayed mute.

I moved silently closer to the railing and jumped quietly down to the ground floor. By the time I was down, Sophie was looking around like a lost puppy. I lightly hit my foot against the banister and watched as her eyes dilated and she turned scared towards the other direction. I moved closer to her back and clapped my hands, lights immediately filled the dark room and I watched Sophie as she closed her eyes shut and scream so loudly that I wanted to chuckle.

I smirked as I moved much closer to her. I could feel her fear turn to anger and her palms clench. I could actually imagine her teeth clenching before she turned so fast and faced me with those brown orbs of hers which were widened to the max. If that is how they looked when she was angry, how hypnotic would they look when filled with pleasure?

Arranged by ForceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora