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The scariest thing concerning the important people in your life is not knowing exactly when you'll lose them.

"Ten more minutes left! I see one or two people slowly coming in already." Erik called out from the door and left immediately after relaying that piece of information. He was tasked with many responsibilities for the night and probably didn't have any time to linger here for even an extra second.

Getting up from my seat gingerly, I took long but slow strides towards the dressing table. The waiting room was not spacious, but it had enough room for at least five people to move about. I stood two steps behind Alicia, placing a hand on her left shoulder and gave it a light squeeze to calm her down.

She had on a light frown while she was leaning closer to the mirror and staring at herself intensely. Her dark brown locks were braided up today but there were a few wild strands that hung at the sides of her face, framing it nicely. Alicia fiddled with those stray strands and kept turning at multiple angles to take a better look of herself.

She didn't need to.

"You're beautiful, Alicia." A smile crawled up on my face and tugged on my lips.

She took a few deep breaths, and then finally took her gaze of her reflection in the mirror to look at me.

"Honestly, I still can't believe you're actually getting married." Chuckles spilled out of my mouth and Alicia laughed along.

"There's only less than ten minutes till I have to get out there to officiate it to the world, dad." I felt Alicia's shoulders relax.

"I know, I know," I let out a small sigh, "It's just that there doesn't seem to be any difference compared to twenty years ago and as I look at you now."

I removed my hand from her shoulder and sat on the chair beside her, gazing into her eyes on the same level after pulling her hands into mine. I clasped her hands firmly.

"I'm so happy I can see this day happen for you, being alongside you. But no matter what happens now or next, be it good or bad, even if another decade had passed, you'll always be my little princess, Alicia."

She smiled at me with glistened eyes.

"I may not be here forever, but for as long as I am still here, you can always come to me."

Without saying anything, Alicia leaned forward and gave me a light peck on my cheek and whispered a soft 'thank you'.

"Thank you for being my king, daddy. I may be getting married, but you know I'll never stop acting like your spoiled little princess."

The warmth that filled my heart was on the brim of overflowing, of exploding. Yet the strong feeling of unwillingness to let go tugged on my heart too at the same time. It was such a complicated mix. There were joy, warmth and pride, but sadness and nostalgia too.

I gave her a light hug, not wanting to ruin her dress or make up, but still significant enough to express my feelings.

Ten minutes were up, so after Alicia took a final look in the mirror, I covered her face with a veil and kissed her softly on her forehead.

I grabbed her arms lightly, taking in the sight of her, my princess now ready to go.

She's absolutely stunning, dear.

She's our star, isn't she?

Bright and beautiful.

"Alright, it's time to go."

Alicia linked her arm with mine as I led her out of the room.

Towards your future.

Now that I had walked down the aisle twice in my life, as a husband and a father, I guess my job was almost done.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2018 ⏰

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