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From the time I was born, I've lived in Kattegat I've never wanted to be anywhere else even when I met Ivar The Boneless. I hated it especially when he calls himself that. I know what it's like because I'm like Ivar I suffer from the same bone disease but it's in my feet, and ankles I could still use my legs and feet to walk but it's much more painful for me to do so. I've had Floki build me and Ivar these metal rods that are used used used to keep our legs straight so that we can walk because we just about every invention he could build us before and they always worked but only for so long at a time. I remember the day it was my 16th Birthday when we met. He saved my life in the woods that day I was hunting for food for my father since he's to old and I'll have to hunt more for the both of us.  I saw this enormous deer it was enough to last us for a while at least till my father was better or till I met a viking Suitable enough for marriage of my choice. But I never thought that I would meet someone like Ivar. I thought I would die alone no husband to take care of me no children that I would have beared, all alone til Ivar came along he was just a young man such an extraordinary young man full of Life vibrant when he's around me. but when he was with other people such as his brothers Bjorn, Ubbe Hviserk and sigurd when I was around all five of them there were just so different way they treated him the only one who was really ever kind to him were Ubbe and Hvitserk. But Sigurd those two are always arguing and bickering about something. they acted like two small children and it was always me breaking up the fights by shoving Sigurd across room it's all they ever acted like when they were around each other. I hated it when they fought I really did I love Sigurd like a brother but he's a pain in the ass to deal with sometimes. Who am I? you might ask I am Brooke a poor farmers daughter and I also happen to be a shieldmaiden in the heathen army I'm 5'6 3/4, I have black hair, multicolored eyes, and I'm a cripple,  Just like the man I love.

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