A year and a half later

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Authors note: Bold means it's a flashback
After a year and a half of being friends with the Lothbrok siblings. I've met their mother and surprisingly she actually trusts met, thanks to Ivar because when I first met her she hated me she thought I was a slave. But after Ivar explained to her that I'm a friend of his, she started to loosen the reins on me. "Brooke come on hurry up we're going to be late" Ivar yells in front of me "Sakte ned Ivar Jeg er ikke fort som du er" (Slow down Ivar I'm not as fast as you are). I shouted as I grabbed my sword, my shield for the war against King Aelle and king Ecbert I Revenge for Ragnar. Papa would have been here instead of me but He was murdered by king Aelle men he was beaten, and stabbed to by the woman whom I will hunt down and kill. I screamed and begged for them to stop beating but they didn't listen I thought someone finally heard my screams and was going to help me "STOP YOU'LL KILL HIM PLEASE HE'S ALL I HAVE LEFT STOP!!!" I screamed as they beat the hell out of my papa. Then someone came into the hut and stopped then yelled "STOP NOW!!!" A younger woman said as he comes through the door. "What's going on here??? release them at once!!!" She said as they let me go and I run towards my papa to see how badly injured he is he's hurt bad but not enough to have hurt him majorly "Who are you and why are you doing this?" I asked as I helped my papa to the cot his eye on the right is. Swollen shut but the left is is fine he has it closed. "My name is Chumana I'm my king's best warrior and he sent me to find people for the war that's coming." "King Who?" I asked her "Brooke leave now" My papa said after he slowly opened his good eye. "What? What do you mean I'm not leaving you" "BROOKE NOW LEAVE AND DON'T COME BACK" He shouts he's never yelled at me then I grabbed my shield and my sword and prepared myself for a fight. They all started laughing at me expect the woman and my papa of course. You never underestimate a woman she knew that. I attack the first few men there are about eleven men plus the women who I didn't trust. After I most of the men All that was left was Chumana and two others who held me against my will. I saw her knife against his chest."This doesn't have to be like this please let him go and take me" "Do you know why I came here Brooke? " She asked and shook my head no. "I'm here because I want my revenge for the torture that your papa and his friends put my family through when he was in England." "I am very sorry for the loss of your family and If I could I would have brought them back but please let him go and take me instead, I'll do whatever you want please" I begged for my papa's life I said as she looked at me then my papa then back at me she was thinking about it. But I knew my papa's fate was sealed when she had said that one little phrase "How the little piglet would grunt if she knew how the old boar suffered." Then she plunged her knife into my papa's stomach. "NOOOOOOOOOOOO PAPA!!!!!!!!!!" And Chumana ran for her life I was trying to save my papa's life and was to busy to kill her then and there Is known I'll have my revenge one day soon "papa no no no I have to save you you're all I have please stay with me I can't let you die not like this." "Please Brooke stop it's no use let me die in peace-" "NO I WON'T LET YOU DIE NOT LIKE THIS YOUR GOING TO WAR WITH US SOON IF YOU DIE YOU SHOULD DIE WITH YOUR BROTHERS ON THE BATTLEFIELD LIKE A HERO NOT LIKE A FEEBLE OLD MAN IN HIS BED!!!!!" I yelled crying as I tried to stop the bleeding wound. "Please my child stop trying to save me the gods wanted it to be this way and I'm ready for my final moments in life. He says as he wipes my tears away with the pads of his thumbs "What do you mean Papa?"
"What I mean is that...It gladdens me to know that Odin prepares for a feast. Soon I shall be drinking ale from curved horns. This hero that comes into Valhalla does not lament his death! I shall not enter Odin's hall with fear. There with Ragnar, and your mother, I shall wait for you my Beautiful daughter to join me. And when you do, I will bask in your tales of triumph. The Aesir will welcome me! My death comes without apology! And I welcome the valkyries to summon me home. I love you my child never forget that you mother and I love you see you in Valhalla" He said as he kissed my head one last time "See you in Valhalla Papa" I said as I kissed His head like he did with mine and put our heads together. Then I felt his grip on my hand loosened I knew he was gone.

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