The Brothers find out about Papa

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It's been days since I've seen the Lothbrok brothers or even talked to Ivar. It's driving me insane but I couldn't bring myself to let them see me like this. I'm in my weakest state I can hardly move back. I haven't eaten in weeks since my father died it's a nightmare and is taking a major toll on my body. Then I heard someone's footsteps walking towards the hut. I didn't move because there's only two people who know where the hut is that's Floki and Ivar. I here Ivar's crawling and enters but doesn't see me yet. "Brooke are you here,
Brooke hvor er du vakker?" (Brooke are you here beautiful?) I don't answer him and stay in my spot. "Brooke Jeg kjenner din kjærlighet, jeg vil ikke skade deg, du vet det" (Brooke I know your here love I won't hurt you you know that) he says in the direction I'm in and I know he wouldn't do that to me. "Ivar" I say very weak. "Brooke, er du ok hva skjedde hvor er faren din" (Are you ok what happened where's your father?) "He's dead she killed him." "Who Brooke who killed him?" "SHE KILLED HIM IVAR SHE KILLED HIM, SHE MURDERED MY FATHER THE ONLY FAMILY I HAVE LEFT IN COLD BLOOD" I screamed and cried having a mental breakdown. "Her name is Chumana, she's one of the warriors for king Aelle. Her men came in and started beating my father half to death. I tried to stop them but they were too strong for me I couldn't stop them, they beat the hell out of him. Then she came in and told them to stop and let me go, they did I asked who she was and why she was here then my told me to leave. I told him that I wasn't leaving him alone and he yelled at me to leave and never come back. I knew something was wrong so I grabbed my sword and shield. The men just stood there laughing at me but the women looked at me like she knew I was not to be underestimated. So I fought the men, I killed them. But two more men came and held me down. I couldn't move Chumana held my knife to my father's throat she said that my father, your father, and other Vikings tortured her family. I tried to reason with her but it didn't go as planned In trade for my father's life I was going to give her my life" "Brooke are you insane they would have took you back to Wessex and tortured you or worse they could kill you" He said as he tries to pull me upon to his lap. At first I wasn't ok with the fact that he wanted me on his lap I didn't move at first "Brooke really it's ok not all of my bones are brittle. Your not going break me anymore than I already am." He said as he lifts me upon to his lap. Instantly I felt comfort and something else that I haven't felt in years when I'm with am I in love with him? No that can't be I'm a cripple, I can barely walk let alone let anyone love a monster like me, I killed my own mother in childbirth for the gods sake. Ivar needs to find a better, more sophisticated woman, someone who could take care of him better than I ever could. "Ivar please we can't do this I'm sorry." "Why not? Min lille due, vi trenger ikke å være vanlig, og det er vi ikke. la oss gjøre våre beste feil, fordi vi ikke har tid til å være lei meg, men det er en grunn til at vi faller slik at vi kan komme seg opp igjen." (my little dove we don't have to be ordinary and we're not. let's make our best mistakes, because we don't have the time to be sorry, but there's a reason why we fall so that we can get back up.) "Ivar I'm like a fire I grow and destroy everything and everyone in my way. I don't want you in the line of fire when I go off." "I don't care I want to be here for you my brothers wanted to come but I wouldn't let them I told them I was going with Floki but I never asked him he was to busy with building the boats to travel to England." "No Ivar please don't bring them here. I don't want anyone to see me like this. Please I don't like the fact that your seeing me like this I'm so so..." "Strong?" He said with a soft tone of voice. "Weak, damaged, and broken. I said as I put my head in the crook of his neck, and started to slow down my breathing as I calmed myself down more to make sure I was able to relax and not have a panic attack. "I'll always be here for you. Min lille due jeg vil alltid være her ved siden av deg. Jeg elsker deg og jeg har siden den dagen reddet deg fra den store ulven. som jeg kan se på deg på huden av det akkurat nå mitt hjerte" (My little dove I'll always be here by your side. I love you and I always have since that day I saved you from that big wolf. Which I can see your wearing the skin of it right now my heart) My ears were on on fire, I can't believe what he's saying what I'm hearing this can't be true. "Du spøker, som noen gang ville elske noen som meg. Jeg drepte min mor i barnefødsel, jeg er en kremering og jeg kan aldri være i stand til å gi den ene tingen som en mann eller en konge ville ønske å bære på arven hans etter at han er død." (Your joking, who would ever love someone like me. I killed my mother in childbirth, I'm a cripple and I can never be able to give the one thing that a man or a king would want to carry on his legacy after he's dead)  said as I cried harder than before. "så jeg drepte nesten moren min da hun fødte meg. hva mener du at du aldri kan gi en mann eller en konge den eneste tingen at vilen jeg bare vil ha deg det er alt jeg trenger er du min kjære" (so I almost killed my mother when she gave birth to me. what do you mean that you can never give a man or a king the one thing that the want I only want you that's all I need is you my love) He asked me trying to calm me down. “Jeg kan ikke bar et barn Ivar. Det er den eneste tingen som noen viking vil ønske å sørge for at arven hans vil fortsette etter at han er død. Et barn jeg hadde en ektemann før vi møttes og i begynnelsen var det fantastisk vi hørte raiding sammen. Jeg trodde vi skulle tilbringe en evighet sammen, vært glad, ha barn, reise og vent på Odin for å ønske oss velkommen til hallen. en dag blir vi klar for et raid og vi ble rammet. Jeg sloss med en kriger og jeg fikk sjansen til å drepe ham og få det gjort. Jeg savner sjansen min, og han skarret magen min og deretter svarte jeg ut. en jeg kom til jeg hadde et lang arr over magen min, og jeg kunne ikke finne min mann og helbreder som tok vare på meg, fortalte meg at han dro meg fordi de fortalte ham at jeg aldri vil kunne bar et barn” (I can not bear a child Ivar. It is the only thing that any Viking will want to make sure that his legacy will continue after he is dead a child. I had a husband before we met and at the beginning it was amazing we heard raiding together. I thought we would spend an eternity together, be happy, have children, travel and wait for Odin to welcome us to the hall. One day we get ready for a raid and we were hit. I struggled with a warrior and I had the chance to kill him and get it done. I miss my chance and he sliced my stomach and then I answered. but I arrived until I had a long scar over my stomach and I could not find my husband and healer who took care of me, told me he left me because they told him I will never be able to bare a child)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2018 ⏰

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