☼ Chapter I ☼

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picture; Sonya Reinove

author's note: I rewrote this June 4th, 2019. It needed to be done. The first 10 chapters will needed to be rewritten and edited before the story continues, but it will continue. Just wanted to let any new readers know, if they wanted to pick up the story. Only the prelude and chapter one are rewritten and edited.

Comment + Vote, enjoy!


• Present Day ~ August 19, 2019 •

A thunderous bang-bang-bang-bang! resounded against my dormitory door, jolting me violently from the black peacefulness of sleep. Once realization settled over me, I groaned in annoyance before dredging myself up from the sweet comfort of my bed.

The air in my room was colder than I recalled it was before I had gone to bed and a shudder passed through my body.

I let out a deep, long yawn as I raised my hands above my head and stretched as if in an effort to allow my fingertips to brush against the roof.

Rubbing my fingers down my face, I started towards the door just as Lorelai's voice floated through the walls to me, "Sonny! Open the damn door! I know you're awake!"

My eyes rolled so hard my head started to hurt at the stupid nickname that my friend had christened me with some time ago as I yanked the door open to reveal her irritated expression. "Took you long enough, Sleeping Beauty."

"Aw," I cocked my head to the side and gave her an innocent look. "You think I'm beautiful?" Lorelai ignored my teasing and pushed passed me into the dorm and moved over to the couch in the living room.

"What are you doing, anyway?" I quizzed easily, working to keep my irritation at bay as I spoke. "It's barely 4pm."

Lorelai's brilliant stone-gray eyes slid towards me and she smiled slowly. "You know you really lucked out getting the two-bedroom dormitory with no roommate." She reached for the remote and flicked the TV on, then aimlessly began to surf through the channels before deciding to select the Spotify app.

Digital Dagger's "Come Crashing" began to play, flowing around the space around us with wondrous melodies. I loved the song, but the sound of it did nothing to ebb my annoyance with my best friend.

"This is harassment." I told her as I sauntered into the kitchenette and prepared a pot of coffee. "You come here nearly every day and wake me up more than an hour before I need to be up." Lorelai had risen from the couch and moved into the kitchenette with me now.

She snatched up one of my strawberry PopTarts as it rose from the toaster and I cut her another annoyed look.

"You're still human, Sonny. You don't have to be on the nocturnal schedule yet." She took a generous bite out of the PopTart and cocked her head to the side in the same fashion I had earlier and smiled innocently.

"You should enjoy the sunshine." She teased as she spoke around the huge bite of PopTart.

"You're mocking me." My voice was flat as I poured myself a mug of coffee. Lorelai's laugh was so ugly. She grunted and snorted the whole way through it, and it didn't help that her default laugh was a guttural and almost maniacal cackle.

"You're mocking me." She mimicked in a high-pitched, annoying tone.

"Why are we even friends?" Lorelai dramatically clutched at her chest and feigned hurt. I rolled my eyes at her though I couldn't help but to smile. I playfully shoved past her before retreating to my room to get ready for classes.

Amber Dusk | OLD VersionWhere stories live. Discover now