Four - Talia

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Ch4 - Talia

Flustered, Talia turned away, not wanting to make eye contact with the kind-looking stranger.

"Good evening, everyone," Charlie smiled warmly. "I'm sorry to interrupt your meal, I just need to drop something off to my mother."

"Would you like to stay for dinner, honey? There's plenty of food," Ms. Wilson beckoned. The fondness they felt toward one another was evident.

"Sorry, Mom, not tonight. I have a lot of work to do yet," he answered, brushing the hair from his forehead.

"Yes, but you still need to eat. Let me at least fix you a to-go plate."

He gave his mom a grin and Talia noticed his eyes crinkled at the corners when he smiled, just as his mother's did. She looked down and kept her own eyes on her plate, pretending to be especially interested in the gravy covered turkey slice that remained.

"You're going to work yourself into an early grave if you don't slow down," she scolded. Her eyes clouded over. Talia suspected there was a deeper meaning behind her words than what she was willing to share in front of her guests. She found herself wondering what her hostess had meant.

"I'll be fine, Mom."

Ms. Wilson heaved a sigh, then gave her son a smile. "Follow me then, my busy boy." Charlie playfully rolled his eyes and flashed the B&B guests a charming smirk, then disappeared into the kitchen with his mother.

Talia smiled at their affectionate banter. She'd lost her own parents so long ago and missed the gentle prodding of a mother figure. The bittersweet memory of her mom and dad made her stomach flip flop, and she forced the thoughts from her mind. She had enough to deal with at the moment without being tormented by painful memories from long ago.

Talia ate the rest of her meal in silence, straining to hear the conversation from the kitchen. She wondered if this was the son with the rental property Ms. Wilson had mentioned earlier. The idea was somewhat unsettling. Talia was in no hurry to deal with the male species any time soon, yet she knew she would need to look for a more permanent address. She was content staying at The Ivy House for a little awhile, at least until she found her bearings.

Talia knew her other priority was finding a job. The money she'd brought with her would only last so long. She had experience waiting tables during her college years and was hoping one of the small diners she had passed in town would have an opening.

Charlie was carrying a large paper sack when he returned to the dining room with Ms. Wilson. "Thank you for letting me borrow my mother for a moment," Charlie addressed the guests with a polite nod. "She's a life saver. You're in good hands." Laughter passed lightly around the table as Mrs. Wilson playfully swatted her son.

Walking toward the door, Talia continued to study them from her seat. They had such a loving and lighthearted relationship, that much was plain to see. Silently, she envied their close connection.

It was strange to think of the many twists and turns her life had taken over the years. There was a time, long ago, when she had lived in a caring home with parents who doted on her. How she wished now she hadn't taken those magical years for granted. They were fleeting, to say the least.

Since leaving Washington State several days ago, she'd had plenty of time to reminisce about the past and mentally abuse herself for the many mistakes she had made along the way. But you couldn't live your life dwelling on the "If-onlys", and she was determined to move forward.

She had to.

The sound of the screen door opening jarred Talia from her unpleasant thoughts and she looked up just in time to catch Charlie's eye on his way out. She felt her cheeks flush as she realized how likeable he had seemed. Seemed being the operative word. It had been a long time since Talia had trusted another human being, especially a man, and she worried if she would ever be able to again. As sad as it was, Ms. Wilson was the first person in years who she'd felt somewhat relaxed around. She just had that comforting quality about her.

Ms. Wilson joined them at the table and began helping herself to dinner. Talia glanced up and noticed the older woman quietly observing her. She gave her hostess a small smile and returned to poking around her almost empty plate. She would have to get used to interacting with people again, especially if she was going to make this place her home.

Talia sighed. I wonder if I'll ever feel normal?

Only time would tell.

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