Seventeen - Talia

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Ch17 - Talia

Talia looked away, unable to answer Charlie's question. How was she supposed to respond? 'Why, yes, Charlie. I did get hurt a lot. I have plenty of experience nursing the wounds given to me by my loving husband.' No, being honest just wouldn't do.

Instead she blurted out, "My mom's a nurse. Well, she used to be. Before she retired," she lied.

Talia watched Charlie address the cuts on her legs. She wasn't sure if he believed what she'd said, but he had no reason not to.

You're being paranoid!

Charlie carefully tended to her, as Winston lay obediently by his side. Talia had always liked dogs, but her husband would never allow her to get one. "What do you need a dog for? All they do is eat, shit and shed," Steven would say.

Winston was a big boy. In fact, he was the largest yellow lab she had ever seen. And it was obvious he was a good dog. Smart, too. He seemed to be very in tune with Charlie, responding with enthusiasm to his silent commands. Maybe she could finally be able to get a dog for herself? For protection. She wondered if dogs were allowed at the rental house.

"So," she began, clearing her throat. "You never did say how much the monthly rent was."

Charlie looked up at her in surprise. "You're still interested? Even after what just happened?"

"Well, that all depends on the rent."

Charlie's eyes returned to his task. "It's seven hundred a month, with a small deposit. I guess I can waive that under the circumstances. But I would need one month in advance."

"That's not a problem. When can I move in?" Talia asked, trying not to notice the way his black T-shirt clung to his chest.

His eyebrows shot up, clearly surprised by the turn of events. He had obviously written her off as a prospective tenant. "How's next week? I still need to finish painting. Plus, I have to fix the boards on the dock. Maybe Friday?"

"Perfect." Although, she didn't think the dock would be an issue. Talia had no plans of ever going near the shoreline. It would remain a nice view from her new kitchen window.

"My mother'll be very happy with your decision," Charlie told her. "I get the impression she's taken a liking to you."

Talia smiled softly. "I've taken a liking to her, too."

"So..." Charlie sucked in a breath and let it out slowly. "What brings you to our sleepy little town, anyway? You have family around here?"

Talia looked away nervously. She'd never been very good at lying. "No, I grew up in Michigan. I've just grown tired of the harsh winters, so I decided to give Florida a try. If it's good enough for the retirees, it's good enough for me." Was that skepticism she noted in his eyes?

Just keep it short and sweet. Don't offer any more information than what he's asking for.

She decided to change the subject. "Do you suppose I'm going to have trouble with the crocodiles?"

Charlie shook his head. "No. Like I said, you don't bother them and they won't bother you. But if you decide to go swimming in their house again, they may try to eat you." He laughed easily, and she found herself liking the sound. "I'm sorry about that, by the way. I've been meaning to fix those boards."

"It's not your fault. I don't plan on going back out there anyway."

"I wouldn't rule it out just yet if I were you. The Everglades are pretty amazing," he said, applying an antibiotic ointment before bandaging up a couple of her deeper wounds. "Are you sure I can't take you to the hospital for a quick check?"

"I'm positive. I'm fine." She forced a small smile. "Thank you."

He still seemed unsure. "How about we get you out of that dress?" he finally asked. Suddenly, a blush covered his cheeks. "I mean, into some dry clothes. I think I have some things that might work. They'll be a little big, but it should get you to the B&B without catching pneumonia."

In spite of herself - Talia stifled a giggle. She supposed she should get changed. Getting sick right now would do her no good. She nodded her head in agreement.

Charlie stood up. "I'll lay some things out on my bed and you can change in my room. I'll just be a minute." He walked out of the kitchen, leaving her alone with Winston. She looked down at the friendly dog.

"I guess we're going to be neighbors." Talia reached down to pat him on the head. Winston responded by happily thumping his tail against the floor.

Charlie returned a moment later. "Okay, you're all set. It's down the hall, second door on the left. Let me know if it doesn't work out."

Talia smiled in return and made her way toward his room. Walking in, she quietly closed the door behind her. She stood in front of the full length mirror and regarded herself with disdain. "What a mess," she whispered, taking in her appearance. She pulled the wet dress over her head and stared wearily at her reflection. Long red marks covered her arms and legs, along with a few bandages thrown in for good measure. My second day in Florida and I look like a mummy.

Carefully, she slipped on the T-shirt and shorts Charlie had set out. They were a little baggy, but would work just fine. Something caught her eye, and she walked toward the head of his bed. She hadn't meant to be nosy, but she noticed a picture standing in the center of his bedside table and she wanted to get a closer look.

It was a framed photograph of a very beautiful woman, looking to be in her mid-twenties. This must be his wife. Talia sighed, picking up the picture. The woman had long strawberry-blonde hair and rich, brown eyes. She was very beautiful, in a model sort of way.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and she jumped, dropping the frame onto the floor with a loud thump.

Shit! With shaking hands, Talia picked up the photo and returned it carefully to it's place on the dresser.

"How's everything working out for you?" Charlie called.

Oh shoot! Had he heard the frame fall? "Everything's—um—fine. Thank you."

Talia took one last look at the photo and opened the door.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hope you enjoyed Double Chapter Day! Please join me this Saturday for the next update staring Ms. Wilson - and thank you so much for your continued reads, votes and comments! You helped The Secret break into the top ten in the Action Genre, and I am so grateful to you for that! xo

This chapter I would like to dedicate to fellow Wattpadder @FromtheBar. She is the clever and witty author of an extremely entertaining story called The Split Game (FYI - it does have some mature content). Take a peek at her book cover in the media section on the right side of your screen! You can check out all her work by clicking on her profile near her dedication at the top of this page!

The Secret (Watty Award Winner) | ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon