Twelve - Charlie

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Ch12 - Charlie

Charlie hammered away at the stubborn door frame. It really had been a simple task, albeit a somewhat tedious one. The owner of the small shop could have certainly handled it on his own, but Charlie didn't mind. It kept his little one-man business busy, and that is the way he had preferred to stay. "A busy mind is a happy mind," his mother was fond of saying - but he wasn't so sure about the happy part.

He had moved back to the small Florida town a couple of years ago, and started a small handyman shop. So far, he had managed to drudge up enough work to keep himself very active. A little too active, as far as his mother was concerned. She would have liked to see him swamped with more of a social life than a business life.

He couldn't blame her, really. She had his best interests in mind, he just wasn't interested in socializing much. It just would be nice if she didn't worry about him all the time! He was, after all, a grown man. And besides, he was fairly content. His best friend Winston was all the company he needed.

Giving the nail one last whack, he glanced away to wipe the sweat from his forehead. A flash of blue caught his eye and he looked up in time to catch a petite female in a long, flowing dress turn on her heel and walk away from him.

He recognized her instantly. Talia was it?

"Excuse me..." he called out.

The woman stopped abruptly and hesitated. Contemplating turning around, perhaps? Finally, she swiveled to face him.

She was very pretty, in a soft, fragile sort of manner, and the way she looked at him made her seem like a puzzle, of sorts. It was her eyes, Charlie thought, they looked like they held a thousand secrets. He remembered picking up on that the day before as well. There was something off about her, he just wasn't sure what it was.

"You're staying at The Ivy House, right? With my mother?" he asked, stepping away from his work. "My name's Charlie. I stopped by last night, although, we weren't formerly introduced."

She smiled meekly and walked toward him. He noticed that she carried herself gracefully, but appeared to be ill at ease. He couldn't imagine why such a beautiful woman would feel so self conscious.

"Yes, of course," she stammered. He immediately found her timidness appealing. "My name's Talia. It's nice to meet you." Awkwardly, she held out a slender hand to shake.

He smiled at her, and wiped his palm on his jeans before accepting her offering. Her hand felt so tiny in his and he found himself holding it gently, careful not to crush it.

His smiled widened as a slow blush covered her cheeks. He hated to admit it, but he was slightly intrigued by her unease. Suddenly, he realized that he was still holding onto her hand and promptly let it go.

"I guess I should get going," she said, offering up a small wave before turning to walk in the opposite direction.

"Wait..." he called after her. He ran a hand through his brown hair, stalling, "My mom said you were looking for a place to rent? Are you planning on staying in town awhile?"

Talia turned to face him. "Yes. That's my plan."

"I do have a small house available, if you're interested in taking a look at it."

She raised her chin in curiosity, "Mrs. Wilson did mention that. She said it was on the river?"

He laughed, "I guess you could say that. Would you like me to show it to you?" He sensed her hesitation, and for a moment thought she might decline, but she surprised him by nodding her head in agreement.

"Great! Are you busy now? I'm just about finished up here."

Talia's brow furrowed, and again he found himself amused. He studied her carefully, waiting for an answer. Finally, she shook her head.

"OK, then," he said. "You can ride with me, it's not too far."

"Oh, I don't want to put you out. I can walk," she responded, looking uncomfortable.

Charlie laughed. "Don't be silly! I'm headed that way anyway. It won't be any trouble... I promise. Come on - follow me." He slipped his hammer into his tool belt and removed the leather strap, folding it in half neatly.

Reluctantly, she began to follow him as he made his way down the street, finally stopping at a motorcycle parked at the side of the road. He tossed his belt into a small compartment on the back of the bike, and grabbed a helmet, handing it to her.

"Here," he offered, "You're going to need this."

Her blue eyes shot open in surprise. "A motorcycle?"

"Is that okay?" Charlie smirked, entertained by her reaction.

"I... um... I've never ridden on one before."

"Well, there's nothing to it. All you have to do is hop on the back and hold on tight." He raised his eyebrows, waiting for her answer.

Talia stood at the curb and stared at the bike, a look of doubt covering her pretty features.

Slowly, she reached for the extended helmet.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hope you enjoyed the extra chapter today! As always, I would love to know what you think. If you liked it, I hope you decide to vote - and your comments are appreciated, as well!

I would like to dedicate this chapter to @a_bookgeek. I met her as a reader of The Secret and soon discovered that she is an author as well! She has many wonderful pieces for you to read, but my favorite so far is called Void - Finding Islam. She is an amazing author and a very supportive Wattpad friend (who just so happens to catch my errors with her eagle eye)! Check her out if you're looking for something good to read!

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