Twenty Six - Steven

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Ch26 - Steven

Steven had been thrilled that the detective decided to take on his case. O'Reilly came highly recommended, even though the sight of him made Steven's stomach turn. He was a weird one - and perverted, too. Steven had noticed how the detective's hand traveled underneath the table at the first mention of his and Sarah's sex life. What kind of person asks such intimate questions, anyway? How did that pertain to anything? Detective Thomas O'Reilly was a disgusting example of a human being, as far as Steven was concerned.

But he was just going to have to deal with it, wasn't he? The guy was the best, and most expensive, private investigator in town. And since the fire investigation was proceeding along at a snail's pace, he really had no choice. What did they mean they couldn't find a body? That was their freaking job!

It was a good thing that he had the means to hire someone on his own. Who knew how long it would take the friggin' fire inspector to come up with anything noteworthy. Every time he called for an update, he felt like he got the runaround. It was ridiculous! And they called themselves professionals? Wouldn't it be funny if he ended up telling them what had transpired? Fill them in on all of the tiny details they seemed to be missing? How Sarah had started the fire on her own and then ran away? That would make them all feel like the fools they were! And that's exactly what he was going to do. In fact, he planned on going above simply relaying the information the detective had found. Steven planned on physically bringing Sarah in. Who knew what all she would get charged with? Surely, she had committed a multitude of offenses. He wouldn't be surprised if she spent the rest of her miserable life behind bars, and he would love to see that happen. She never did look good in the color orange. It would serve her right to spend the rest of her days in the unflattering prison jumpsuit.

He left O'Reilly with several pictures of Sarah and as much personal information as he could muster, including the small beauty mark on her inner right thigh. How much more specific could he get? Steven was determined to find her. Intuitively, he knew Sarah was still alive - he could feel it. It bothered him that he hadn't realized it sooner. How long had she been devising this little plan of hers? Did she really think she was going to get away with committing a felony? He was much smarter than her - he always had been. As pretty as she was, she had never been all that clever. Not everyone could have looks and brains. Of course, Steven had both. He'd inherited those traits from his wonderful mother. His acute business savvy he could thank his other parent for. At least the man had been good for something, because he sure as hell hadn't been a good husband or father.

Steven paced the floor of his temporary penthouse suite, his bare feet moving against the plush carpet. He'd moved there just a few days ago, and so far it had proved to be an excellent decision. Maybe he would stay long term - he had never favored yard work, anyway. It was close to his office and overlooked the Seattle skyline, which was a very appealing aspect. It was also surrounded by some of the highest rated restaurants the city had to offer. Now that he was forced to fend for himself, the idea to reside there long term wasn't half bad. Steven had no intention of learning to cook.

He ran a hand through his dark hair, Damn you Sarah for putting me through this!

What had he ever done to deserve this kind of inexcusable treatment? This was so out of character for her. Hadn't he given her a beautiful home to live in? Hadn't he bought her the finest clothes money could buy? And for what - so she could make an ass out of him? What was her problem?

The woman obviously did not understand gratitude. He had practically rescued her from a life of poverty. That tiny apartment she had been living in when they had first met was a joke. It wasn't even suitable for a dog to live in, and that was really saying something since he despised animals. Especially dogs. He hated the way they seemed to stare right into your soul with their beady little eyes. Dogs had always given him the creeps.

Plus, he had saved that ungrateful bitch from a life of having to work. Sarah had been in college at the time, but he'd put an end to that. No wife of his was going to be employed.

Steven had loved and cared for Sarah for three years, working tirelessly to make sure she had every thing she could ever possibly want or need. And she had played him for a fool.

He slammed a balled fist into the wall, recoiling back in pain. Shaking his wrist, Steven noticed an intense heat traveling up the inside of his arm. What was this sensation? He'd better not have broken his hand!

Dammit, now this! Just one more misdemeanor to add to Sarah's ever growing list of crimes. He would find her - that fat, cheap-cigar-smoking deviant had promised. And when he did, she would pay.

Steven shook his head in disgust. How could he have been so stupid? His shortsightedness absolutely amazed him. He - Steven Austin - had been such an idiot! But not anymore. Sarah would be punished for treating him this way. He would make certain of it.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

I think Steven might be a tad upset - what do you think?!

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Because of my school schedule, I will be adding chapters to The Secret every Tuesday and Friday as opposed to every three days. If for some reason that changes, I will let you know. Thanks again for reading, voting and commenting! You helped this story reach #3 in Mystery/Thriller this week, and #4 in Action! xo

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