Bargain Struck

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Unable to bring herself to her feet, (f/n) closed her eyes for a moment. She focused on regaining her breath and fought back the pain that swelled in her body. Going against him after the use of the nickname had been like jumping into a roaring fire. It bit at her skin before it traveled throughout her entire body. (F/n) brought her hands up to her arms. Her gaze focused on her unconscious partner.

Right now, he looked peaceful enough. His breath was steady, and the rage in his eyes was sealed off. One of his daggers lay nearby: a few centimeters from his fingers. Despite the quiet and calm that seemed to take over the area, she knew that the consequences of her actions would be great. When he woke back up, a beast ensnared by the burning flames of outrage would most likely greet her.

Earlier that morning, he had explained to her that he wouldn't turn that fury onto her, but it was so easy to replace the image of the murdered kelremm in her dream with the pixies. It was simple to see him attack her with that sickening grin. Despite the horrific images piling in her mind, she knew that she had made the right decision. If he had attacked, they would both be dead or soon to be dead.

Perhaps, there would've been another way. They could've remained by the door and waited for Tergii and Bimaa; they could've planned a surprise attack and taken out the mage first before the mage could cast a counterattack. Tarhuinn, though, had to stay in the water. Due to that weakness, a sneak attack would be near impossible. The outcome would've most likely been the same had he fought against the pixies.

Taking in a deep breath before exhaling, she clenched the fabric of her pants. She looked up to the pixie queen. "What exactly did you do to him?"

"I placed him into a winter's sleep. As the snow pixie queen, I'm gifted with such a power. I would've used it long ago on that mage with Tergii and Bimaa if it weren't for their magic's protection. Regardless, he'll awake by mid-afternoon, but we'll have him bound by then. We can't have him chasing after you in a rampage. As I'm sure you know, his temper will destroy you both if he isn't watched carefully."

"I'm aware of that," (f/n) answered, quietly. She received a nod from the queen before Tarhuinn's daggers were ordered to be removed from him. As the pixies undid his weapon's belt and picked up the lone dagger, she called out, "Wait! Let me take them with me. They might be useful against this mage."

The king gave her a look as though she were a foolish child. "You're to bring him back to us if he truly is a mage. You can't convince a mage to work for you at the point of a blade. You'll be killed before your blade ever reaches them. Besides, threatening them with death would be senseless. A dead mage will serve us no purpose against the other."

"It would only be meaningless if he were to discover that I had no choice in keeping him alive," (f/n) countered, finding an extra means of protection only a benefit to this mission.

"As soon as you mention that you want him to serve under us, he'll understand the situation. He'll understand that you made a deal with us. From that deal, he'll make the connection that we threatened your life and that your only option is to bring him to us. That is why should you ask him to come here at the end of a blade, you'll only ending up killing yourself."

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن