Final Opportunity

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

Her back against the trunk of the tree, she heard banging. She could hear Tarhuinn calling out her name in her head. Will was saying something next to her, but it was far too quiet for her to understand it. Vision was dark for her, but before she panicked, she realized that it was only due to her eyelids being closed. For a brief time, she must have lost consciousness, but the effects of the tree brought her back to her senses probably quicker than Will had anticipated.

She closed her left eyelid again and kept her right eye open only a little bit. Peering upwards, she noticed that Will was dropping a few leaves into a small glass jar. He capped it and placed it into presumably a shirt pocket. Another tiny container was removed from his person before he filled it with some water at the base. Once finished with that one, he continued with his muttering. His right foot tapped in the water as he examined the tree.

His back turned to her slightly before he crouched and pushed some of the water aside. A few of the tree's roots revealed themselves. Having an idea of what he was debating, she waited until he lowered himself closer. Will's back was completely to her now. It helped further that he pushed the water around as it drowned out her movement somewhat. While she changed positions, she briefly analyzed him for a weapon, but she, unfortunately, didn't see one.

(F/n) stood behind him and waited for him to stand. Time passed slowly, and she felt like ages had passed before he stood back up. His gaze looked to his right, but she mainly focused on the fact that his height put him directly in front of some branches. Wasting no time, she threw her hands out and shoved them against his back.

Caught off guard, he lost his balance for a split moment, but that was enough. The branch pierced through his chest, and crimson was coughed up from his throat. His hand reached up to the branch, but she pushed him forward more. More red decorated the area. This time, his hand aimed towards her. His already slow ability to fight becoming even more so, she managed to grab a hold of him beforehand. Her whole lower half was lifted into the air, but she wasn't thrown far away into the water.

When the wind vanished, she heard his breathing become slower. His hand reached down to hers, but she pulled them back before he could cause any damage to them. She rammed herself into his back again, and she thought that she had killed him that time; however, she noticed that he was losing too little of blood given the circumstance.

Looking to the wound, she saw that the tree was stopping the bleeding. It couldn't completely heal him, though, since it was in the way of itself. This did give Will somewhat of a fighting chance, so she hit him again as hard as she could. Red ran down the branch and dripped into the pool. "Bl-bluebell, ... y-you surpr-ise me ... I didn't th-think y-ou capa-ble ... of su-such a d-eath." She ignored him and knew that the branch must be close to his heart now.

As she was about to shove him again, he reached behind himself and grabbed her left wrist. Utilizing the last of his physical strength, he tugged her around him until his left arm wrapped around her waist. Her wrist was pressed against his chest, and a grin painted his lips. "Bu-but, you st ... -ill fai-led."

Forcibly, he pressed his lips to hers, and she could hear Tarhuinn shout out her name. Even with the tree, she slightly winced from it, but she regained her focus. None of her gave any attention to the kiss; she had other things to worry about. Will needed to die. He went to take a step back, but she secured her free arm around his waist and pushed him forward.

Children of the Water (Yandere M. x F. Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin