Snow Pixies' Trouble

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Bare, medium blue feet hurried through the water. Water splashing could be heard, but it didn't bother the others in the room. Where one was worried, the others were calm. They reflected the smooth and soothing nature of the water that ran across the entirety of the room. This peaceful flow descended from the raised grounds to the lower ones, highlighting the natural waterfalls of the room.

Reaching the end of the deeper water, the concerned kelremm went to one knee and bowed their head respectfully before they stood back up. They pulled down their cloak hood and glanced up to the table and five chairs. Only two of the chairs were occupied, however. "My masters, I have discovered terrible news from the region of the pixie home."

Disinterested, the female of the two peered over and down. She rested her chin in the palm of her right hand while her left directed him to go on. Bowing his head respectfully again, he disclosed, "They have broken your agreement and have found a mage of their own. We're not aware of how the mage came to their aid, but, with your deal broken, it's safe to assume that the inquiring kelremm and his wife are still on their way here."

The female kelremm glanced over to the male kelremm. "Well, that's unexpected. What did you want to do? I don't care either way," she mentioned, sounding as though the news had been about some trifle matter.

Flipping over another one of the pieces of parchment before him, he fixed his eyes on the spy. "I want to know why he looks so terrified." He didn't have to ask the spy to answer, for his statement was clear enough. The spy would respond one way or another.

Dipping his head lower, the spy pushed back his nerves. He tried to appear more presentable, but the sights that he had seen were too gruesome not to react to. "When a few others and I had learned of the situation, we had found one of our own in a ... disturbing state." The spy paused and met his male master's sharp gaze. "She was alive, but it would've been better for her to be dead. We had tried to end her misery, but this mage had been too swift and powerful. It hadn't help that pixies had sneaked up on us and warned the mage after they had told us to leave and we had refused."

"I'm assuming that the other spies are dead now. Or, they're in a similar state to how you found that female spy. How did you escape, though?" the male kelremm questioned, turning another page of parchment over.

"I had been the last to leave our location, which had been a small stream off to the left of the pixie home. When I saw the mage easily kill my companions, I figured that it would be best to run and to report to you what had occurred. I believe that the female spy had been kept alive."

Getting up from his chair, the male kelremm walked towards the other end of the table. He stood in front of the nearest chair to the spy and rested his hands on the back of it. "You didn't only leave to come inform us of this news. You ran because you were afraid. You didn't want to die, yet you know that you must die for us if it comes to that."

"Should I dispose of him?" inquired the female kelremm as she examined her sharpened nails.

"No, I wish to hear more of this report. Besides, this is rather important. We can't have the pixies killing off all of our spies with this mage. The less that we have to mess with the complexes' populations is better. How many of your companions did you lose to this mage, not including the captured female?"

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