Chapter 9

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The warmth surrounding the back of my body was lovely. I turned round snuggling my face deeper.I realised the warmth soon after was Blake but I was to comfortable to care and soon fell asleep again.

I was walking through a beautiful field. There was brightly coloured flowers everywhere and a big lake to the left. Blake was in front of me and I ran and jumped, he caught me and spun around then lightly placed me back on my feet. "I cannot forgive you you know" he whispered in my ear. "What are you talking about?" I don't know why I need forgiving. "You killed me, your the reason I'm dead" He's eyes turned red and his canines extended. He's face changed and he transformed into the dead rouge . I screamed and ran. He tripped me up and bent down to look at my face. "No please don't hurt me please just leave me alone" I pleaded with him. He grabbed my shoulders and started violently shaking them.

I woke with a start to see Blake above me shacking my shoulders. "It's okay your okay it was just a dream" I sat up and moved to sit on the other half of the bed. I was a little shacken up from the dream but other then that fine. "Are you okay?" he looked intently at me. "Yeah fine" I mumbled back. "You talk in your sleep you know" he laughed and I smiled at him. "Come on go back to sleep" he whispered. I lay down. He copied and went to pull me to him but I stopped him. "Im really hot sorry I just need to cool down" he nodded in response and lay back down and fell asleep almost instantly. I knew that dream was my mind messing with me and I know he did kill him but he was just protecting me and I knew as long as I had him I was safe. I was really hot and couldn't get back to sleep so I creeped into the bathroom and for a shower. I stood underneath the water and it was like my worries washed away. I don't know how long I was in there but it was eight am when I got out. I wrapped the towel around me and went into the closet. I took out a pair of skinny jeans with a white crop top and matching converse. I dried my hair putting light makeup on and my clothes and I was done. But I was still extremely hot.

I crept out the bathroom towards the bedroom door. A pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me into the air. I squealed in shock and landed onto Blake's chest on the bed. I smacked him lightly while laughing. "Morning beautiful" he smiled he's face saying iv just woke up though. "Morning" I smiled back. "Where were you going?" he looked up at me. I wonder if I'm heavy for him I hope not. "Downstairs its way to hot". "Wait I'm not too bad now just warm must of just been a flush" I laughed and pushed of Blake landing lightly on the floor but he tried grabbing me at the last second failed and ended up on the floor dragging me down with him I squealed again. This time he was on top of me. "Blake get off" my voice was muffled from his shoulder and I couldn't breath. He lifted up bringing me with him. "Come on lets go down stairs" I said his arm was till round me and he brought me closer. "I'll be down in ten hey you can walk properly again!" he laughed. I looked at my leg and it was healed like nothing had happened. "That's awesome. I got to remember to thank the doc" I waved and then walked out the door down to the living room. It felt really good not to have to rely on other people and other things. I grabbed my other converse and took of the horrid black medical boot. I slipped on my converse and sighed feeling free.

Blake came down the stairs ten minutes later just like he said. I had made a fan out of paper because I was to hot again. "Hey what you wanna do today?" he smiled down laughing at my fan. "I wanna go out for a run I need to let my wolf out" I smiled hopefully. "No no way not with what's going on with the rouges" he said sternly. "Oh please I need to go I haven't been for ages" I gave him my puppy eyes which I know he can't resist. He sighed and I knew that was a yes so I jumped up and hugged him. As he hugged me back a rush of relief went over me as if I had been holding something in and had just let it go. I moaned into his chest and he chuckled lightly. "Man is that better phew its cool now, over there I was at my boiling point" I relaxed in his arms enjoining whatever this feeling is that he giving me. He took a sharp in take of breath and then laughed. I pulled away and looked at him confused which made him laugh more. I ignored him and went to get a glass of water. As I went in the kitchen the heat returned. "Why is it so hot" I groaned  fanning my self as best as I could with my hand. That comment made Blake laugh more and I realised I wanted his body I want to feel his skin again I wanted anouther hug or kiss or... I shook the thoughts from my head drained the glass of water and walked back into the living room. "Come here" blake said motioning me to him. I walked over and he wrapped his arms around me in a hug lent down and kissed my lips. It was the best feeling ever it was like heaven I got that same feeling of relief but stronger. I moaned into his mouth and he laughed lightly as I pulled away embarrassed but as soon as I did this heat returned. I wimpered against the heat which was pressing against my body. "Baby your in heat" Blake laughed as he said it. And the penny dropped. That's why the heat went away when he hugged me that's why no-one else was feeling it. "Wait does that mean we have to mate tonight" I asked. "Well yes or the heat will carry on for a week and will get worse until we do" I took a long breath out at this. I dont know if I'm ready. "Come on I have a surprise for you and wear something you can swim in" Blake said before disappearing. I went upstairs to put on my dark purple bikini and ran all the way back down. Blake was in the garden as he's wolf with a back pack on. I stripped put my stuff in his back pack and changed into my white wolf. I wimpered at this remembering that night. Why me? Why am I the white wolf? Blake rubbed his head under my chin.

We ran through the forest, me following Blake until we came to a beautiful blue lake with a waterfall. We changed getting into our swimming wear. I cannonballed in and laughed as my face burst back through the water for air. I looked around to find no Blake. Hands went on my ankles and pulled me under the water. We burst back into the air and he swan towards me. He kissed me on the lips and I deepened it and we ended up in a full make out session. When we finally pulled away for air I laughed. I really have fallen head over heels for someone, something I never thought I'd do. I looked into his big eyes and was drawn in. I swam back to him took his hands in mine. "I really and truly have fallen in love with you" is all I said before crashing my lips onto his.

It was ten o'clock when we finally decided to leave. With the moon high in the sky decorated with stars. Blake turned to face me and pulled out a rectangler box. "I love you to the moon and back" he pulled out a necklace that had a half moon that said I love you and a full moon that said to the moon and back. He put the neclace on me and I turned and caught his lips with mine. "Its really beautiful thank you" I smiled and we started the not so long walk back to the house.

Me and my alphaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz