Chapter 12

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It had been three days since the attack and Blake still lay on the bed his eyes closed breathing heavily. I hadn't yet gone to sleep and I didn't care as long as I watched him. Blake's mental condition was the same but his physical had completely fixed its self and the doc said he would be perfectly fine when he wakes. I ate little to worried to do anything. I still had the black wolf on my mind wondering who he was and where he came from and where he is now. The cuts on my face had healed but I had only told Nathan about him and I prepared to warn the pack today in a quick meeting. I did not want to leave Blake but the packs safety was a priority.


I stood up on the stage in the very big hall made especially for things like this. It was big enough to fit the whole pack in and was used in special occasions. "Hello" I barely was able to talk in front of the three hundred eyes in front of me, we were the biggest pack in England. I took a breath and spoke with as much confidence as I could muster. "As you all know I am the white wolf. Three nights ago me and your alpha were attacked by the black wolf and his 'gang' of rouges. I suspect he is making a pack with as many rouges as he can find. He has told us he is planning on killing me sooner rather then later" gasps rang out across the hall at this and angry remarks were shouted out. I raised a hand for silence and continued "I care not for the threat given to me I care for the fact that he has threatened our pack. I do not wish for you to be harmed and would give my life for your safety. So please can no-one go anywhere alone and take caution especially with the children. Thank you please get some sleep and do not stress to much bye." I walked off the stage and back to Blake.


It was three Am and no sound in the house you could proably here a pin drop. I sat there holding Blake's hand and reading a message from Nathan in the other. He was angry because I said I would give up my life which is unfair. I would be saving myself but hurting everyone else. I got lost in my own thoughts placing my phone back into my pocket. I felt my hand being squeezed and snapped out my thoughts looking up to be met with blakes perfect green ones. I stood up quickly and stared out of shock he was awake. I mindlinked nath and sat on the edge of the bed embracing him in my arms. "Are you okay? You don't hurt anywhere do you?" I stroked his face. "Babe I'm fine absolutely fine" he smiled looking up as the door opened revealing Nath. He smiled "Finally awake then you lazy shit" he laughed and Blake rised up trying to get out of bed. I put my hands on his chest and lightly put him back down. "Not until the doc gives a thumbs up" I mindlinked the doc and blake huffed lying back down. "Awhhh is the big bad alpha having a strop" nath laughed again. "Nath leave him alone he's only just woke its been three days" I pulled a face at him. "Yeah and you've been awake the whole time as well" he pulled a face back. "I don't care I was waiting for Blake" I glared at him now. "What and didn't eat properly either" he returned the glare. "I have to many things on my mind like the black wolf" I retorted. " What so you decided to stay up for three nights" he raised his eyebrows. "Yes and I would do it again for HIM!" I shouted at Nathan losing my temper it was not his decision. The doc came in and Nathan walked away. The doc told me to wait outside as he checked over Blake for anything wrong. Nathan glared at me from the corridor and whispered idiot under his breath not thinking I'd heard it. "Its my choice what I do that does not make me an idiot" I snapped at him. We started having a argument raising our voices higher and higher. It had been going on for a while now but one comment was all he said till I snapped completely. "Why are you doing it for a stupid male anyway just because you think you like him, I bet your with other men as well really aren't you?" he shouted fully in my face. I punched him hard in the jar hearing the contact. Nathan was now on the floor holding his jaw. "Yes I'm a whore aren't I? Iv slept with so many guys" I snapped but hardly not enjoying that I had just hit my  brother. "I can't believe you would say that of course I wouldn't sleep with other men" I turned away to walk straight into a wall. I looked up to see Blake. My cheeks turned red realising he had heard everything. "Im sorry I shouldn't of said that I was just pissed I'm really sorry" Nathan's stood up looking at me realising the same that Blake had heard everything. His cheeks turned redder then mine, all he could do was look at the floor. "Your siblings for fuck sake why are you arguing your meant to love each other" Blake looked between both of us. "We do love each other" We said at the same time. We laughed that's all we could do and all we did. Nath walked up giving me a hug and I hugged him back. "So you've got the okay then?" Nath pulled back to look at Blake. "Yeah doc said I'm perfectly fine" he smiled at us laughing quietly. "Oh good" I smiled greatly hugging him. "Man was I worried about you" he laughed lightly he's chest vibrating. "Anyway I have something to ask you miya" I pulled away. "What me why?" I glanced at my brother then back at Blake "What have I done?" he's face turned stern. "Why have you not ate or slept for three days?" he crossed his arms across his chest. "Okay I'm going night" nath said before running of. "I couldn't leave you not after you were hurt" I shivered at the thought. "It doesn't matter even if I was dying, you should of slept" his voice as stern as his face. "No it was my fault you was the way you wer..." Blake cut me of. "It was not your fault never blame yourself ever okay?" he stoked my face with his hands. I just nodded my head knowing there was no point arguing. He suddenly picked me up running up the three flights of stairs in a minute. I laughed as he put my pj's on for me. He stripped into his boxers placing me down on the bed and sliding in with me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close. I drifted of exhausted from the last three days.

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