22: Nox

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For the next week of the vacation, my parents insist that I stay inside and spend time with them and my sister, as if I've been doing anything else. I even spent a day with distant relatives that drove up from the South. When my sister returns to school and my parents to work, I'm itching to spend time with someone I'm not related to. So when Dominic texts me, it's no surprise that I respond immediately. But then again, I'd have responded immediately either way.

Dominic: Are you free?? I have to show you something!!

Me: Yes.

Dominic: I'm coming to pick you up now!

It takes seven minutes for him to get here and I don't bother scolding him on how fast he must've been going. I note his excitement and get in the car. I wait for him to tell me what he's so happy about. When he doesn't say anything, I look at him and raise my hands. "What do you have to show me?"My grin matches his as I rack my brain for what could excite him this much.

"Wait!" he pleads. We head in the direction of his house and I tap my foot anxiously. Now I'm kind of nervous. We pull up to his house and he immediately turns off the car and rushes me to the sidewalk. He hastily guides me up to his house with his hands on my shoulders. "Okay, now open the door," he instructs. I do it with a confused look on my face. I turn the knob and push it open with a quirked brow. I hear a barely audible thudding noise and my eyes fall upon a small, brown puppy. It gazes up at me with crossed eyes and a chain collar hanging from his neck.

"Awe!" I squeal as I fall to my knees and scoop the dog up in my arms. It licks me excitedly, wagging it's tail at lightning speed. "Where'd you get him? Did you steal him from someone, Dominic?"

"No, I didn't steal him!" Dominic he shuts the door behind us. He drops beside me and watches me play with the puppy while wearing a happy look on his face. "My parents got him this morning while I was asleep. I guess they've been in the process of adopting him from the shelter for a while. It finally went through and here he is!"

"What's his name?" I hold the puppy up in front of me. It's a boy. I kiss his forehead and scratch behinds his ear, mumbling quietly to him about how cute he is. He yips excitedly as he paws at my hands.

"I don't know yet. I didn't get that far. I just discovered him on the couch a half hour ago," Dominic confesses. "I feel kind of bad because he was just here alone. I was awake for two hours before I even left my room. I wonder if he's hungry."

He stands up and heads to the kitchen for food while I pet the pup. "You have to think of a name!" I move from the floor to the couch with the dog. I take pictures of him and he seems to be enjoying the love and affection.

"That's why I brought you here. Help me think of one." He slowly comes into view as he walks from the kitchen to the living room. He puts down two bowls of food and water. I lower the dog to the ground and watch as he runs to the bowls.

Dominic sits down beside me on the couch and pulls my legs onto his lap in a swift motion. We stare at the puppy happily before I speak. "I don't know. It's your dog; you name him."

"I was thinking Nox," he replies as he turns his attention to me. "I want to combine Dominic and Nova but Noc and Dov sound stupid and Nom isn't even a contender." He lightly rubs my legs and I let a giggle escape. Nommy

"How about Lucky?" I propose and receive a confused head tilt from him. "Short for Lucky Number 15."

He rolls his eyes as far back as they'll go. "Shut up, Nova," he retorts. Oh, how the tables have turned.

"You know, you still have a week to take her up on her offer." Dominic shoots me a glare.

"Aren't we not supposed to talk about this anymore?" He's got me there. "Back to naming the pup, please."

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