Reunited and Divided

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Beast Boy

"Guys, it's her school! What if she sees us? Then can I go and convince her? Pleeeeease?" I beg, running as a cheetah towards where the alert said Control Freak was, and the movie theater.

"Beast Boy, we need to take down Control Freak. You don't even know if that girl was her or not," Raven replies. She almost sounds sad about it. Weird.

"We're almost there. Maybe we can come back to the issue later, but not now. We need to focus," Robin agrees as we enter the theater. I change back into my human self, and we search for Control Freak. I spot him by the system room-but someone's already beating him up.

"Terra?!?" She grins, slamming another rock into Control Freak's chest.

"I'm back!"


I finally saw the most awesome boy ever after being encased in rock and losing my memory, and the first thing I said to him was 'I'm back'!? Forget that! I form a mud box around Control Freak, who's cheering us on, and throw myself towards Beast Boy. I encase him in a hug, and the oxygen-removing squeeze I get in return tells me he missed me as much as I did him.

"I'm so so so sorry Beast Boy! I totally ruined your life and mine and all the Teen Titans and I don't really want to annihilate you and I don't think I ever did but Slade told me to but I could have stopped it and I didn't do it soon enough and-"

"Terra," he cuts me off, "I'm not happy you're back." My eyes well up, and I stare at him, shocked. I completely deserve that, and I know I don't even deserve to talk to him. The hug he returned was probably a squeeze of anger, too. "I'm not happy you're back," he repeats. "I'm SO AMAZINGLY THRILLED! TERRA IT'S BEEN FOREVER FINALLY YOU'RE BACK AND YOU REMEMBER ME! You remember me, right?" His eyes beg me to say yes. I can't answer, just nod gladly, and slump against him.

"I'm so sorry," I mumble again. I hear feet thudding, then an abrupt stop.

"Beast Boy, what is-" Starfire starts, then I think she saw me. I look over Beast Boy's shoulder, and give a half-smile to them.

"Guys, I'm so sorry. I have absolutely no right to even begin to apologize, and it will never be enough for all the hurt I caused you. I ruined all of your lives, and that crushed mine, and I forgot it all, and I couldn't even apologize before when Beast Boy first saw me. I just tried to run away again, and I regret it more than anything I've ever done." The titans just look on at us in silence, then Raven opens her mouth first.

"Terra," she begins. Trying again, "Terra, I-we-completely forgive you. You gave up yourself just to defeat Slade. Trust me, you definitely have friends within the Teen Titans." Her eyes have water pushing at the edges dangerously. She holds them from spilling over, and I'm grateful. There probably would have been a natural disaster if she had shown her emotions. Most of the other titans state their agreement with her, and I grin, but Cyborg stays silent.

"C'mon, let's go back to the tower. You can sleep in your room," Robin says, offering a hand.

"Yea! We kept it up and everything!" Beast Boy chips in. "That is, if you want to come. Do you?" He looks at me with those big, wet eyes of his.

"I'd be thrilled," I respond.


"Robin, that girl broke the dude's heart in half! How do we know we can trust her? And why can she suddenly keep her powers under control? Where'd that come from? She just magically knows how to use them and defeat Control Freak?" Cyborg asks, irritated.

"I don't know. She seems too... broken... to be plotting anything. Can't we give her a chance? She smashed Raven pretty hard, and she just forgave her off the bat. We can trust Raven, and Raven put her trust in Terra. Why don't we do the same?" Robin replies. I press my ear against the wall, listening for more, but they've stopped talking. Suddenly, the doors whoosh open, and I dive to the side and fall back into a portal.

The boys walk on by, not seeing me, and I come back out onto the floor. Terra does seem crushed, or broken, like Robin put it. What could have happened? It's not like her. What ever happened to the fiery, outspoken Terra I knew and liked, hard as it is to admit it? Something must have gone wrong in her school, when she got her powers back, whenever.

At dinner, as Beast Boy scarfs down his tofu tacos and Cyborg devours the all-you-can-meat pizza, I bring up the courage to probe the elephant in the room that everybody's avoiding.

"So Terra," I start, "about before-"

"I know, I know," she interrupts. "You think I was a total jerk and don't deserve any forgiveness. I agree completely. I haven't earned your trust at all. I mean, all I did was show up throwing rocks and saying I'm better now. Obviously, you're going to kick me out. You have every right to. I'll just-"

"No. Not at all," I interrupt her interruption, "Cyborg and Robin." They look up from their pizza, raising a questioning eyebrow. "I heard you talking earlier."

"Oooooo!" Beast Boy wags his eyebrows.

"Shut it, Grass Stain," I say. "Do you still think you can't trust her? Because if not, and you want to send her out," Terra makes a face like a kicked puppy, "then I'm going with her. I trust this girl completely, and if you believe me, you believe her." The kicked puppy face disappears, and is replaced with a puppy given a treat. Beast Boy gives me a wide grin, and I can see the thanks in his eyes.

Cyborg and Robin stare at me, at a loss for words. The rest of the dinner goes quietly, up until the end.

"Friends, I realize Terra may have made some errors in the past, but she sacrificed herself to save Jump City. Is that not worth forgiveness?" Starfire pipes up. This whole time, she had silently been eating her zorkaberries. I forgot she was there, what with the high level of tenseness at the table. Cyborg and Robin watch the table in response, not looking up. I wipe my mouth and set down my cup of tea, saying I was going to go meditate.

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