Chapter Three

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3rd Person's POV

" You'll have to live with them. "  Bang Pd-nim said

Yoongi looked at him with widened eyes

"B-but.. uh.. wh-what do you mean Pd-nim?" Yoongi asked nervously

" You'll have to live with them so you won't have to wake up early. Your apartment is too far away from bangtan's dorm. I hope you understand. " Bang Pd-nim explained. He was right, bangtan's dorm is too far from his apartment

Yoongi didn't have a choice. He'll just have to put his guard up when Jungkook is around.





" Look, Haneul. That's really disgusting. You're disgusting!!" Yoongi said while laughing at his friend

Haneul wiped a fake tear

" Farewell, my friend... You will be--"

" Aish! Why are you even my friend?" He playfully asked

" You're the one who came to me. " Haneul said with a serious face

" Ooookaaayyy ... "

Yoongi finished packing his things and he gave his best friend a hug


Yoongi softly knocked on the door. The door opened revealing a shirtless, sweating Jimin.

Yoongi blushed hard and chok--coughed.

" Oh- manager-nim! Heyoo~ " Jimin greeted giving the short boy a bright smile "come in."

Yoongi walked in and saw the boys they were all shirtless and drenched in sweat like Jimin.

" What happ-- " Yoongi didn't get to finish what he was saying when he felt someone smacked his ass and made him shriek.

It was park jimin, yoongi glared at him and jimin just gave him an innocent smile

' Jisoos, please help me ... ' He thought to himself

" Why are you here, Manager nim? " Seokjin asked wiping his sweat

' Pd-nim didn't tell them? Ugh... ' Yoongi though to himself

" Well-  I have to live here, with you guys so-" He didn't have a time to continue his sentence when Hoseok screehed

" Really?! You're gonna live with us?!? kYAAHHHH!!! " Hoseok exclaimed pulling Yoongi into a tight hug

Yoongi whined because of the sweat

" Go dry up and take a shower first child! " Yoongi said scrunching his nose pushing Hoseok away from him

Hoseok pouted and did what Yoongi wanted him to do

" What were you guys doing? " Yoongi asks crossing his arms

" We were fucking. " Jungkook said with a smirk

" Ew ?- "

" Ah, Jungkook what the heck I would never! "

" I'm to beautiful for that. "

" Disgoosting "

Yoongi chuckled at the boys, " Come on, you guys take a shower, y'all stink!! " Yoongi said, chuckling

' How cute... ' The six boys thought

All of them did what Yoongi wanted them to do.

All of them were done except Taehyung


" I should take a shower too.. " Yoongi stood up from his ' new bed ' and grabbed a white towel from his things

He headed to the bathroom and began stripping his clothes off

Taehyung's PoV

I was taking a shower but stopped when i heard the door opening. I was going to tell that person that I'm still taking a shower but it was our cute short manager. I smirked and hid somewhere.

3rd person's pov

Once Yoongi was done stripping his clothes off. He headed towards the shower and turned it on

The cold water made him moan softly and that didn't go unnoticed by the hiding Taehyung. Taehyung cursed under his breath when he felt his member twitch

Taehyung kept looking at the olders ass. It looked really soft and he really wanted to spank and squeeze it. This view really turned him on

Taehyung smirked and got out of his hiding place, he silently walked towards yoongi

Taehyung wrapped his arms around yoongi's waist making the shorter boy shriek

Taehyung grinded his hard member on the shorter boy's ass

" You turned me on baby boy... "

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