Chapter 2:Dark Chocolate and Vanilla Frosting

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I apolgize if this is short but I had serious writer's block and I tried to get this out before Wednesday.

   “Sis, I’ve been like calling your ass for half an hour. Our brother only has one rehearsal dinner. You’d better not be working,” My little sister sister Faith yells through my wireless earpiece.

   “Oww…I’m finally using the wireless earpiece you got me for Christmas and now you’re trying to deafen me,” Cassandra was the middle child and Faith two years younger, thought it was in the reverse order, trying most times to boss her older sister about.

  “Sorry Cassiekins, I’m just excited about tonight. Nan wants to introduce you one of her bridge friends’ son. He’s a professor at UCLA and really interesting. Plus he makes his own money. I’m beginning to think you’re a sanctified nun,”

   Cassandra listened to her go on and on for an hour.

   “Faith Nicole. I need to close up my store if you want me there. I’ll give the UCLA guy a looksee but  I honestly don’t believe we’d be compatible.” She heard a noise outside and peeked around the corner seeing a teenage girl and an older man together, looking at some of the cookie bouquets  she hadn’t  put up for the day.

   The girl’s skin is so pale that her veins are showing. She looks at the man with her and points at a variety of the cookie bouquets. “Do you work here? He asks with a voice that could melt butter. He looks down at the girl, smiling at her when she points at the soft cookie delights, the biggest smile on her face.

 “This is my bakery. How can I help you?” She bit her lip nervously, eyeing the man up and down. He was a gorgeous man, with strong features, well over 6 foot, muscled and tanned. Nothing like her usual type of man, but very nice on the eyes… he was incredibly good to look at.

  Cassie bit her lip nervously shaking the peverse images from her brain, coughing nervously.

The girl’s eyes lit up. “See anything that looks good Beano?”

 He looked too young to be her father but she could see how protective he was of her. His body language was protective, as if he wanted to protect the girl from a speeding bullet.  “Those soft cookies look good. I’m really hungry,” She smiles as her uncle kisses her forehead, sitting in the corner windowseat, pulling her knees up under her chin.

  “I’ll take all of them,” He pointed to the four bouquets. She tried to hide my astonishment, but failed miserably. In each bouquet were eight soft cookie lollipops. It was hard to imagine that the man before her would eat sixty four cookies in one go.

   “All...of… them ?” She asked astonished. He wasn’t kidding around. So the hunk has a sweet-tooth, huh?

  “Yes, all off them” She detected a note of humor in his voice, feeling nervous as he gave her a smile, flash two rows of perfect teeth. Everything about him was perfect…damn him. “Unless you have more in the back that I can purchase also,” His voice was like a song of an old Brian McKnight album-smooth as hell.

  “These are all. You came too late. They usually sell fast,” She wiped her sweaty palms in her jeans skirt, trying to keep a poker face.

  “How much will that be?” He reached into his cargo shorts, retrieving a worn wallet. A worn wallet and manicured nails…something isn’t adding up. She was more confused over him, but she was a hundred percent sure he was making her blood boil. He was too hot to make her function normally.

  “That’ll be thirty five dollars,”

 She didn’t notice him watching her as she rang up the purchases and packaged them, taking the money from him and giving him back his change. “Keep the change,” He offered trying to return it to her as a tip.

Vanilla Dipped In ChocolateWhere stories live. Discover now