Chapter 19: Reconnecting Over Peanut Butter

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"I AM HUNGRY!" Cassie slammed the door armed with peanut butter and celery (one of my fave snacks-super yum), cursing loudly. Evan  watched her amused at it all until she threw the peanut butter container at him, hitting him smack in the chest. He growled pulling her to him, but she wiggled away, washing the celery and grabbing a knife. He watched as she diced the stems evenly spreading the peanut butter over each peice. She smiled weakly when she saw him grimace at her snack.

 She could blame it on the pregnancy hormones, but she was craving all the things she usually hated. Yesterday, she purchased seven bags of prunes and ate them all during her lunch break. She detested prunes with a passion, she couldn't smell them without feeling ill before. "Want some?" She asked holding out a diced cube smeared in peanut butter tempting him with it.

The dynamic between them had changed in the last week. While they were still together, there was an air of new found responsibilty. They had nine months to prepare for  the arrival of this life growing inside her, but she already felt like she lost him. She would prefer it it was now rather than later, especially when the child was old enough to understand. 

   She giggled as she felt his lips close over her fingers then his tongue slipping the celery from between them. Even when he chewed his lips lingered, as he licked the  peanut butter from off her finger. She moaned softly and she could see his satisfied smile. Her body still craved his touch...after  all,he hadn't touched her in almost a week. He acted like he was afraid to even be around her until now, he was confusing the hell out of her. His mood swings were worse than her own.

She ate her snack, plopping the plate into the dishwasher and going back into the bedroom. It was unusual for her to be at home, especially on a Saturday which she normally spent at work. She still had a few more cakes to make before she could rest. She got her notepad and stetched her ideas down for design her new client's wedding cake. They wanted something out of the ordinary, and she was going to give it to them.

An hour later, she looked up from her notepad, to see Evan watching her, his arms folded in front of his naked chest. "This isn't good enough Cassie," She returned her attention to the design of the three teir cake, she had just designed on the pad, knowing he was right. It pissed her off at how right he always was.

  "What isn't good enough now?" She asked with a sour tone in her voice. She hadn't meant for it to slip out but it did. He sat in front of her on the bed, taking the notepad with a pokerface expression. "I was busy," She didn't mean to sound like the b word that ended with an itch but it was almost as if she couldn't keep her emotions in check. Sometimes it felt like she was going crazy.

 "I'm sorry. I keep apologizing but I don't know what for. Could you be more specific," She was hungry again and she slipped out of bed, leaving him there. His statement was true- she was angry at him for no reason. She made it to the door, before he grabbed her arm. She hadn't even seen him move.

Great... she was pregnant and he was Spideman.

They were both too stubborn to be like this for nine months. One of them would kill the other before that happened. "I have something to show you," He picked her up carrying her through the penthouse, stopping by the doors leading to the dining room, instead of going through them he made a sudden turn making her gasp. She'd never been into his office before, knowing it was his man cave, giving him his space.

 "I can walk," She defiantely told him sticking out her bottom lip. He looked down at her and smiled, even though it didn't reach his eyes. Her stubborness was still much as he wanted to shake some sense into her.

"Not in here," He gave the door a gentle kick and it flew open. She gasped as she saw the scene in front of her. His office was littered with shopping bags from the maternity store close to her bakery. In the corner was what looked like a crib, still in the box but definately there.

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