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Yoongi 🚨
Seoul Police Department


"Finally!" Jimin yelled out as we exited the police department and got into my cop car. I shook my head at his behavior. As we sat down in my car Jimin winced and hissed. "My ass still hurts!" He yelled out. I chuckle, "That's nothing compared to what it'll feel like after getting fucked, hun." I cheekily answered back. Jimin grumbled under his breath as I started driving him home. It was calming. Soft rap playing from the radio and Jimin stared out the window seeing the city at night. Sure he's seen it a bunch during his robberies and such but never had time to clearly examine it.

Jimin 🍒

Thoughts ran through my head like insects on a decomposed body. Fuck, this is it. I was actually caught. I'm back to square one. "Can we stop somewhere to eat? Im hungry." I out of the blue spoke softly. Suprisingly, Yoongi actually did bring us out to a diner, ordering a burger for me. "Aren't you going to eat?" I spoke as I noticed he hadn't ordered anything for himself. "Not hungry." He mumbled. I froze and looked at him. "What're you thinkin' about?" I asked softly. "Why..why did you start committing crimes?" He asked. I sighed. "Rough times. Low on money. Used to be in a gang, I guess the whole lifestyle just stuck with me." He nodded and made a little 'ahh' sound. "What made you want to become a police officer?" I asked, genuinely interested. "Just had a burning passion to stop evil and crime, ever since I was little." He spoke,voice deep and rough. I nodded, continuing to eat my burger. "Let's get you home, we both need some rest." He said, standing up, me following after. We sat in the car in silence. The only sound was the radio faintly playing. Not long after, Yoongi stopped in front of my apartment building. "Yoong-"
"Hyung." He interrupted. I was stunned before resuming. "Yoongi Hyung, goodnight." I said quietly before quickly exiting the car and making my way into the building. I went into my room and fell onto the bed face first. I don't know what's wrong with me. Why am I suddenly sympathetic? I'll just sleep on it. I'll be back to my loud, ghetto, obnoxious self tomorrow.

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