O8. sunlight

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aki wakes up smiling. 

jeongguk sleeps peacefully beside her, hair messy, covers rising up against his nose, and a ray of sunlight creating a line of white on his cheek. it's everything aki has ever dreamed of and more. everything from last night rushes back into her thoughts, the entire dream-like sequence that replays itself over and over in aki's head like a broken record.

aki has to squeeze hard on the duvet covers to prevent herself from bursting out squealing in joy. 

plopping back down onto her pillow, she turns to face jeongguk, finding comfort in the boy who has shaken her world. though aki knows better than anyone that jeongguk has gone through so so much, he looks so innocent in his sleep, like the world couldn't touch him even if it wanted to. 

"i love you." aki whispers softly, burying herself deeper under the blankets to hide her embarrassment.

jeongguk shuffles in his sleep suddenly, legs kicking her own in the process. aki freezes in her position, watching with wide eyes as jeongguk's eyes slowly open at their physical contact. 

it is a horrible thought to have, but aki isn't sure if jeongguk has any regrets about his sudden confession last night. 

jeongguk's eyes widen a little at the sight of her, as if he forgot yesterday happened. but then his lips part and he smiles and aki sighs in absolute relief. he remembers.

"...aki?" he says softly, words muffled by the blankets. 


"you're still here. i ... i thought you would've left." 

aki chuckles, reaching out to brush her fingers through his hair. she has waited so long to do this simple act of affection and the feeling of his hair against her fingers makes her heart swell all over again. "i am usually the one who says that, guk. anyway. i'm glad you're still here too."

the two lay in comfortable silence for a while, the beautiful, wonderful reality sinking deep into their bones. it's aki that gets out of bed first, dragging a sleepy jeongguk along with her to make breakfast. thought aki wouldn't mind staying home all day, it's still a weekday, which means she has classes to teach and classes to take. 

aki and jeongguk enjoy a quick breakfast consisting of cereal and milk, the only thing that aki found in her kitchen suitable for breakfast. aki doesn't ask what jeongguk will be doing today, because she has never known and she doesn't want to start knowing now. it scares her. despite knowing the truth that jeongguk loved her, despite the euphoria she feels, he had broken her so many times that it would take time for her wounds to heal. 

"are you off to work?" jeongguk asks from the kitchen table as aki paces from the bathroom to her bedroom and back in a rush to get ready. 

"mhm!" aki replies, finally stopping to put on her shoes. "...i'm late!"

when aki looks up, she finds jeongguk peering down at her. he reaches for her hand, giving it a light squeeze as if he can read her apprehension. "you don't have to worry about whether i'll make it back home safely anymore. i'll be here when you get home."

aki glances at her feet. all this time, and jeongguk can still read her like an open book. "you promise?"

"pinky promise."


who am i updating flicker after like a year i am so so so sorry i haven't been updating i don't even think anyone is still going to read this but anyway guk and aki are my babies i love them 

(ALSO no they did not do the dirty they just slept)

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