O9. flicker

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every passing day heals aki's wounds just a little more. makes her feel a sliver more at ease, a touch more comfortable in jeongguk's presence. 

she often takes long ganders at him as he busies himself with video games and cooking and easing himself back into university life. finally, he is hers, and the thought alone is enough to engulf her in another crashing wave of bliss. 

on jeongguk's birthday, aki makes sure to stop by the neighborhood cafe before heading home to grab a cake. it's the first year they were both going to be home to celebrate (or at least, the first where jeongguk isn't drunk, hurt, or too tired to chat). she chooses a small, simple vanilla cake with happy birthday, guk! written in blue frosting, and carefully carries it up the steps to their apartment. 

the lights are on and jeongguk's shoes are by the front door when aki makes her way inside, and aki sighs in relief. out of the small part of fear that she can never rid herself of. 

"...jeongguk?" she calls, chucking her shoes by his before peering into the empty kitchen. from the bedroom, she hears hurried shuffling before jeongguk appears, smiling ear to ear at her. he's dressed up, donning a warm beige coat and a new pair of black jeans, a drastic change from his usual casual and monochrome attire. 

"hi." he exhales before sweeping her in a hug so suddenly that aki nearly drops the entire cake on the floor. 

"happy birthday to you, too." aki laughs, her voice muffled by jeongguk's coat. "why are you so dressed up?" 

jeongguk sets her down, peers slyly into her eyes, then smiles widely. "for my birthday, i'm taking you out for dinner. that's my birthday wish and present to you." 

aki can't find the words to convey her emotions. maybe it's endearment, or joy, or solace. instead, she simply tiptoes to kiss him. holds his hands in hers, feels the warmth in his hands in and  the warmth of his lips. 

whispers, thank you. 


jeongguk takes her to the nicest restaurant in town, a little italian place that aki has always wanted to visit but never gotten the chance to. they sit outside under a heat lamp and little twinkling lights that make the cold autumn night feel that much cozier. 

they even bring their cake, which, though slightly messed up from the hug, still held an immense amount of meaning. 

"happy birthday, loser." aki teases, lighting a single candle. when jeongguk inhales to blow out the candle, aki quickly pulls the cake towards her. "wait! you have to make a wish before you blow it out."

the candlelight creates a warm cast on jeongguk's features and makes him look ... ethereal. "i already told you my wish." 

"well, make another one. and don't tell me this time or it won't come true."

jeongguk chuckles at her adamance, but nods nonetheless. "okay, okay. i will." 

aki watches intently as jeongguk closes his eyes, mutters something under his breath before blowing out the candle. 

"i know it's my birthday, but i got you a present." jeongguk says, handing her a red bag. inside, a candle.


"it's vanilla. because it's your favorite scent and it always reminds me of you." 

it is moments like these that aki treasures the most. it makes her feel like the luckiest person on earth and makes all the previous pain fall away into nothingness. there was once a boy who was so cold to the touch, one who came home laced with red wounds. now, aki can only see a genuine person sitting across her, a loving one and a caring one and a wonderful one. 

a certain jeon jeongguk, who sets her on fire and melts under her touch, so warm warm warm that aki will never choose to let go.


much love from aki and guk :'') ♡ 

+ ending notes are coming soon! 

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