3.8 | champion

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as told by char

You were flying, Everest Logan. You were flying.

You raced around the track, your legs moving so quickly that they seemed invisible, your arms pumping strongly by your sides. I had never seen so much convidence in you; not in your body, or your face, or just the way that your happiness was radiating off of you like the rays on the sun. 

And you kept going. You never stopped. You didn't even slow down. You just flew. 

You reached the finish line within minutes. You scooped me up in your arms and you laughed and I just admired you. I admired every little thing about you. I was so in love with you, Everest Logan. You don't understand. 

"You're the champion," I whispered to you, my arms wrapped tightly around your neck. 

You held me. You were so strong. I knew you wouldn't let me go.

"Champions always get the girls, right?" you asked with a smirk. Then, you kissed me. You kissed me and I never wanted to stop kissing you.

I had never felt this way before, Everest Logan. I was in love with you.

You were my champion. 

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