3.9 | dance party?

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dance party?

as told by everest

I hope that you know that I would do anything to make you happy, Charlotte Marie. Literally anything.

We took a cab back to your house after my run, since we both missed the school bus with our extended stay at the school. I payed the driver with all the remaining money left in my backpack (which you felt guilty for, even though I found it the best way to spend it), and we trekked up your incredibly long driveway until we reached your flawlessly kept house. 

"Mom?" you had called when we stepped through the door and let it close not so softly behind us.

You dropped your backpack on the floor and slipped off your shoes, then decided to take a quick look throughout the main floor for your parents. You called for them continuously, but the house remained uncomfortably silent. I just stood in the doorway, my bag still slipped over my shoulder and my feet planted in my sneakers, feeling my heart sink. 

This went on for a few minutes, even though you knew the reality. You knew that they weren't home, probably out eating dinner or shopping without your consent, but you didn't want to believe it. I didn't want to believe it, either; it broke your heart and it made mine ache. 

When you returned to the foyer, there was a frown painted on your lips and a darkness settling in your eyes. You leaned against the wall with your arms crossed, staring at the floor. "I hate them," you muttered.

I gulped. "No you don't," I said. "You need them. You're desperate for them, that's what's going on."

You rolled your eyes. "No. They don't need me, so I don't need them. I hate them."

I took my backpack off and walked over to you, wrapping my arms around the small of your body and  resting my chin on your head. We rocked back and forth for a few moments, and I could feel your breaths against my shirt, and I could sense a sudden uplift in attitude. "You know what this needs?" I asked quietly.

"What?" you said, your voice muffled.

"Music. And dancing. And food."

You pulled away and looked up at me, grinning. "Dance party?"

I kissed your forehead. "Dance party."

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