11. Remembering

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I pull away from Colvin's chest, glancing around. "Where are we?" I ask, taking in the world around me. High in the dark, green sky, like the one from my dream, two moons, nearly overlapping, shine brightly. They're at least five times the size of the human world's moon. Tall, thick trees surround us, and in the distance, I notice a large, gray, cobblestone bridge leading across a huge gap in the earth. Through the trees, I can barely see across it, but from what I can tell, it seems to be some type of building.

"The demon realm," Colvin replies.

My eyes snap up to his. "No shit, Sherlock. Where are we in the demon realm?"

I watch as he cackles and then pulls away, taking my hand. "I can't tell you, Brat. You're going to have to remember for yourself."

We begin to walk through the lush forest, and I find myself unable to stop feeling completely awestruck at how different this realm is from mine. I realize that this is the first time I have ever been outside here. "The demon realm has sort of an eerie type of beauty to it," I comment.

"This isn't even the tip of the iceberg, Love. I wish I could take you to so many places and show you so many new things," he says, sighing.

I smile over to him. "Maybe someday."

He scoffs as we exit the forest, hand in hand. "Maybe?"

I roll my eyes and then direct my attention back to the cobblestone bridge. "Yep," I reply, popping the 'P' at the end. "What's that building across the bridge?" I ask, quickly changing the subject so that he doesn't push.

"It's our destination," he says, simply. "I feel like walking through it will stir something inside of you. Speed up your awakening."

"Is this where I died?"

He shakes his head. "No, not here."

I gaze over at him with a mockingly surprised look on my face. "Wow, you actually gave me a straight answer to one of my questions."

Colvin grins at me and then squeezes my hand. "Hush, Love. Come on. We are almost there."

I follow him, holding tightly to his hand for fear of stumbling over the bumpy bridge. There are no rails or sides to it, and if I made it this far just to trip off a bridge in this life and die, I feel like I'd be pretty pissed off at myself.

Once we make it to the other side, I am now able to clearly see the building. It towers over the two of us, making me feel smaller than the farthest star in the sky. Built from the same dark cobblestone as the bridge, the castle lets off an ominous vibe with it's broad towers and mid-evil style, draw-bridge door.

"This definitely wasn't built in the past few years," I mumble.

"No, it was not," Colvin replies to me, amused.

The closer we come to the building, the harder my heart begins to pound. Just as we reach the entrance, I attempt to turn to Colvin, but I find myself unable to do anything except walk forward. My body comes to a halt a few moments later, and finally, my eyes fall on him, but he doesn't look the same. He's dressed the exact same way that he was in the flashback from the night that him and Thara/I first met.

I suddenly realize why I can't control my movements or speak. I'm in another memory. I didn't even feel myself blackout this time. My flashbacks are becoming more advanced the further I am into my awakening.

"This is where you will stay for now," Colvin says in a gentle tone, glancing over to me with his deep brown eyes. 

"How long will I be here?" I ask, my voice coming out shaky.

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