19. The Naked Truth

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Jade sits across from us. I see the wheels turning in her brain as she attempts to process all of the information we have just dropped on her- Colvin being the demon king, me being future queen and a demon now, Moskil, Thara, Isobel, Rory sort of being my brother and the fact that the beginning of their relationship was a sit-up.

After we finished explaining, we all just kind of awkwardly sit in the living room. I glance over to Colvin who gives my hand a gentle squeeze, smiling at me, sportively.

Finally Jade speaks. She glares across the room directly at Rory. "Every date," she spits, bitterly. "Every kiss, every laugh, every 'I love you', every time we have had sex, every time you promised to never leave. All of it was bullshit."

"Baby, I-" Rory begins to plea.

Jade cuts him off, hopping up from the sofa. When she speaks, it comes out as nearly a scream. "Don't call me that! It was all bullshit!"

Rory stands, walking over to her as Colvin and I sit, watching uncomfortably. "Jade, I may have been assigned to be with you, but that doesn't mean that everything that I've told you about how I feel is fake!"

"Do you remember the day we first met?" She snaps. Before Rory can respond, she continues. "I asked you why had approached me. Why you were interested in me. Do you remember what you said?"

She gives him a moment to respond, and his eyes fall to the floor. "I told you that I wanted your number because I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever see."

"Yep, and at first, I laughed," she says, smiling angrily and shaking her head. "It thought 'Oh, what a freaking line!' I gave you a chance, though. You were nice. Then, after being with you for a while, I actually began to believe you. You actually made me believe that I was beautiful and that I was loved by someone other than my best friend, and now," Jade shouts, raising her voice with the last word. "You fucked that all to hell, and you," she snaps, pointing directly at me. I feel my heart sink. "Salem, how could you not tell me?" Her voice begins to shake, and I watch as a tear falls from her wild eyes.

"I was going to, Jade. I really was. I was pissed. Then, Rory told me that if I told you, you would die. What was I suppose to do?" I say, defending myself.

Jade stares at me for a moment, then shakes her head. "It's all just bullshit."

Rory tries to say something else, but before he can finish, Jade storms out of the apartment. I glance over to him, and my chest tightens. He looks completely broken.

"Hey," I say in a gentle voice, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. "Give her a minute to cool down. You can try talking to her again later. She's hurt and upset right now. She doesn't realize yet how serious this is. I know Jade. She will come around."

"She hates me," Rory replies, voice quivering.

"She doesn't hate you," I say, pulling away. "She just needs a minute to process all of it."

"The sacrifice will have to take place, soon, though," Colvin says, solemnly.

I turn to him. "How soon?"

He closes his eyes, letting out a heavy sign and pinching the bridge of his nose. "It needs to be sometime tomorrow, and then we will worry about the wedding. The reapers will just have to be patient with us. I know that Jade is your priority right now, and I understand."

I feel my stomach flip at his words, and then I turn to Rory. "OK, then hopefully she processes fast, because we don't have much time."


Later in the evening, Jade still hadn't returned. We had been waiting in the living room for her to show up since she left, but as the seconds passed, turning into minutes, and then into hours, Rory couldn't wait any longer.

"I'm going to to look for her," he says, hopping up from his seat.

"I feel like you should just give it another hour," I say, protesting. "She isn't going to stay out all night."

"You said that three hours ago," he snaps. "I can't wait any longer. I need to see her," He says, rushing to the door and grabbing his keys. "I need to make this right."

I sigh. "OK, but drive safe, alright? I'll text you if she comes home before you get back."

He nods, and then quickly rushes out the door.

"I need a shower and a change of clothes," Colvin mumbles after a moment of silence. He stands and begins to walk to the door. "I'll be back in a few hours."

"Wait," I say, standing to follow him. "Where are you going? We have a shower here. I can grab some of Rory's clothes for you. He won't care."

Colvin sighs. "I know. I just don't want to crowd you. I feel like you need some space. So much has happened. You're being forced to marry me right after you had to murder a man that you had feelings for, and your best friend is going to have to decide whether she wants to become a demon or die a human by tomorrow. Don't you just want some time alone to let it all sit in your mind for a while?"

It's really sweet that he is being so considerate, but I don't think he understands that I really don't want to be alone right now. I give him a small smile. "Go shower. I'll lay a change of clothes on the sink for you."

The depressed look that he has on his face melts away, and he returns the smile, perking up a bit. "Thank you, Baby." With that, he walks off to the bathroom, and I go to the kitchen and grab a drink before grabbing him some clothes.

I pick him out a plain, dark, blue, v-neck, and some pajama bottoms since it is so late in the day, and then I enter the bathroom, quietly, trying not to startle him. The sound of Colvin humming drifts through the steamy room, bouncing off the walls, and I smile. He's so cute.

I thought pops into my mind, making my smile grow even more. Him and I have both been pretty stressed the last couple of days, and he feels like I don't want to be with him anymore. Maybe I should help him relieve a little bit of that tension.

I quietly place the clothes on the counter, and tip-toe over to the shower, tossing my shirt to the floor and sliding my jeans and panties off as well. "Hey, Baby?" I call. "I brought the clothes."

His humming stops. "Oh, I didn't even hear you come in," he says laughing from the other side of the curtain.

"You didn't hear me undressing either did you?" I ask, reaching for the thin fabric the divides us.

He laughs again. "What? What do you mean?"

I pull the curtain back, revealing Colvin, completely naked. Soap drips down his tight, toned, body as my pink loofa falls from his hands. His mouth falls open. "May I join?" I ask, grinning at the sight of his surprise. My eyes flicker down, and I feel my heart begin to pound, noticing that his body is already responding to the sight of mine.

All he is able to do is nod. "Definitely."

A/N: Hey, everyone! This chapter is continued in the same place that the mature part of chapter 13 was. Just go to the part of "The Dominant Demon (Mature Chapters 17+)" and find the part for chapter 19. If you can't read it, or you just don't want to, then you're not missing anything vital to the storyline, so don't worry! Thank you so much for reading! xx

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