22. Rulers of the Realm

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"I can't believe you waited until the day of your wedding to tell me you were getting married!" Jade exclaims, quickly trying to fix my hair.

I scoff. "I haven't even know about it a whole week, Jade!"

She huffs. "Well, you're a butt anyways."

"You're just grumpy because you haven't eaten this morning," I reply, rolling my eyes as I smile up at her. "Plus, it's not even a normal wedding. Weddings in the demon realm are different. It's the same concept, but the ceremony is a little different."

Her brow furrows. "Is that why you totally aren't dressed like a bride?"

"I'm dressed like the future demon queen," I comment, correcting her.

She groans. "Already so cocky. Colvin is rubbing off on you. The demon domain will demand your head in just a few weeks."

I giggle. Jade is so adorable when she is cranky. "You look really nice, Jade. We will grab a bite to eat on the way to the wedding, OK?"

She scrunches her nose. "Does this realm have McDonald's, because I'm really craving a hot stack, right about now?"

I laugh. "I'm not sure. Maybe you could ask Rory."

Her cheeks redden at the mention of his name. She knows that I am going to ask. "Yea, maybe," she mumbles.

"What's happening between you two?"

She tries to hide her grin, but it breaks through anyways. "We had a talk, and after I realized that demons have eternal life, I was pretty excited to learn that Rory and I can spend the rest of time together."

"Sooo," I say, playing dumb. "You made up?"

She laughs. "Yes, we made up, Dummy! We made up about four times last night."

"Oh, God," I say, cringing dramatically. "Too much detail. That's my brother!"

Her eyes grow wide. "Oh, I totally forgot. I'm sorry. That's going to take some getting use to."

I nod. "Same here. I can't believe how much everything is changed in such a short period of time."

She shrugs and then begins to slick a shade of dark, red, lipstick onto my lips. "Well, if two people were made for each other, they just were. Why wait?"

I wait to respond until she finishes applying my make-up. While I stay quiet, I have time to process her words. Colvin and I really were made from each other. He waited years and years for me to be reborn in different lives just so he could love me again. Why am I so nervous about this wedding?

With that though, all of my hesitation seems to melt away. Jade finished, and I glance up to her. "I'm really happy you're here, Jade. You always have something to say that makes everything feel OK. Thank you."

She gives me a goofy smile. "Don't get all sappy on me and make me mess my mascara up before the wedding, Jerk. Come on, turn to the mirror. It's time to see yourself."

I stand, and just before turning, I wrap my arms around Jade's shoulders, pulling her into a tight hug. "I love you," I mumble. "Thank you for being my family when I had no one."

I hear her take in a sharp breath, and when she replies, her voice trembles. "Just turn around and look at yourself, please."

I let out a soft laugh. She can act hard all she wants, but I know Jade. She has a soft heart. That's what makes her and Rory so great together.

I pull away, nervously spinning around to meet my reflection in the full-length mirror. "Oh," I exclaim, gasping. "Who the hell is that?"

"That," Jade states. "Is the future demon queen."

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