16. Rebirth and Revelations

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A/N: As of 4/21/2018, I decided to take the story in a slightly different direction, so if you are not a new reader and some of this contradicts some things said in chapter 9, it's because I tweaked the dialogue just a little bit. I'm sorry for the inconvenience! I write and plan as I go lol Thank you all for reading!

If this is what it feels like to be born, I now know why babies cry. Then again, most babies weren't dropped to the ground from a billion feet in the air. That may be one reason I feel so terrible. It is honestly the weirdest and most excruciating pain to feel your bones crack back into place.

My eyes fly wide open, and I snap my neck out of the odd angle that no neck should ever be in. As I feel a scraping pop above my shoulders, I let out a shrill scream, and I see both Colvin and Moskil freeze and stare at me. My eyes lock directly onto Colvin's.

"Y-You're alive?" He chokes out, dropping his fist.

Moskil takes this time to quickly slip out from under him and tackle him back. By the time that Moskil's fist reaches Colvin's temple, though, I am on him. I don't understand the speed or dullness of the pain that has just occurred. The only thing that I can focus on is Moskil's wide eyes staring onto mine as I pin his arms above his head at a rather painful angle.

He grits his teeth angrily as my knee digs into his chest. "What the hell?" He shouts.

"Fuck you!" I scream back, slamming my forehead down onto his.

"Ah!" He yells. "Come get your bitch, Colvin!"

My eyes flicker over to the right, and I see Colvin struggling to push himself up from the dirt. Moskil really blindsided him with that punch. I feel another wave of anger bubble up inside of me.

"How are you so strong?" Moskil shouts, trying to wiggle free.

I grip his wrists even tighter, feeling my nails dig into his rough flesh. "This is for Colvin," I say, slamming my forehead down into his face. He lets out a yelp of pain, and I begin to develop an odd feeling. It's not the kind of feeling I get when I am remembering. I cant tell what it is. "This," I yell, slamming my face down into his again, cracking his nose. "Is for Thara." The mention of her name makes me want to tear his throat open after what I saw in my last flashback, and that's when it happens. It's almost as if my shoulder blades are being shoved outwards, but it's not painful. It's just more of a dull vibration, resonating throughout my body. I realize what is happening as soon as I hear the sound of ripping fabric from directly behind me.

As my new pair of silken, black, feathered, wings sprout from my back in a heart shape, I grin down at Moskil who now seems too baffled to even attempt to get away. "H-How? When?"

"And this," I say, pulling my head back, feeling slightly dizzy from all of the force I put behind it. "Is just because you're an asshole."

As soon as my face parts from his, Moskil's head rolls to the side, and his eyes close. He is still breathing, but he is out cold. I stare down at his face, feeling a mixture of emotions. He has murdered me, probably multiple times in my past lives, along with other girls, but why?

"Salem?" I hear Colvin's weak voice from behind me.

I jump off of Moskil's still body and rush to Colvin, who is now sitting upright on the ground. Dropping to my knees, I throw my arms around him. "Are you OK?" I ask worriedly, pulling back to see his face. There is nothing that looks too bad besides the gash above his right eyebrow.

All he seems to be able to do is stare at me, like a deer in headlights, and when he finally does speak, his voice comes out just above a whisper. "I thought I'd lost you, again."

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