Track #1 How it all began

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"Oh my god, look at the size of that ring." I said as I gasped. I looked back at Gloria, "I can't believe you and James went serious." Gloria could only nod, "I can't believe you're getting married. I haven't been kissed in four years. You're twenty-four and I'm seventeen, I'm gonna die all alone."

Gloria rolled her eyes, "Oh come on. You won't." My face filled with fear, "I mean, you won't die alone."  Gloria emphasized  as she stocked CDs.

I sighed exhausted as I placed my bag in the countertop. "Another CD delivery?" I asked worriedly as I eyed the pile on the desk. I loved my job, believe me, I worked in a music store. And as the junkie music addict I was, there was no drug better than this.


I made a face as I got a sight of the price tag, "Why must CDs be so expensive?" But as much as I love my job, it didn't cover the money for the CDs. I have a large family, so dad's priority is not exactly for new clothes and CDs. And I wished providing myself CDs was my only problem.

I was an eager teenager with a strange taste in music in a small boring town, most of my friends thought I was a complete hippie or a hipster, but I certainly didn't dressed like them or smelled. And found myself unable to express myself because if I did, people in my schools would just add another name to match with other unpleasant 'freak' name.

I felt more like Andie from Pretty In Pink but of course, I didn't look like Molly Ringwald (in her youth, of course.) which was another problem in my existence. Why couldn't I look cute with short red hair? I tried the look back in junior high but it didn't work at all. Why couldn't my unruly brown hair stay in place?

Gloria sighed, "Tell me about it. Wait, you in need of money?" She asked me.

"Badly." I said as I bite my lip and made a face. "I wasted all at a ticket."

"Well I used to have a small job at watering plants, it's not that much money. Wait, a ticket, which band?" Gloria asked interested.

"No idea," I said as I grabbed the box and placed it on the countertop. I opened it and took out the compacts.

"What do you mean?" Gloria asked as she frowned, "How can you not know?"

"Well," I found myself replaying the scenes that developed this certain situation ... school. I was in school placing my books inside my locker as my best friend came rushing towards my direction with this glimmer in her eyes. And knowing that girl too well, that wasn't a good sigh.

"Oh, God! Danielle! You wouldn't believe it!" She said in her squeaky high-pitched tone.

"What?" I asked, not really paying her much attention. I thought it was another stupid video of Glozell and don't get me wrong, I love Glozell, but Clairen had taken it to completely different level.

"I got the tickets!" She smiled widely. Clairen's obsession was not only Glozell, but also a band that I didn't even know, I wasn't really interested in neither those type of bands or boys. I did dream about marrying a celebrity but I was counting on David Gilmore- I don't care how old is he- or Josh Hutcherson (and only because he played Peeta on the hunger games). "I got the tickets! I got the tickets!" She shouted over and over again.

I made a face and raised my eyebrow, "Tickets?" I asked confused.

"Oh my god, Danielle! The freaking tickets for Six Gasph!" She screamed and I nodded, still knowing shit of what she was talking about. "I can't believe I got them! Oh my god, It's going to be a-m-a-z-i-n-g! The male singer is gorgeous, Danielle." She melted as she bite her lip side.

"I know how to spell, thank you very much." I said trying to set lose from Clairen's grip.

"Why aren't you happy?" Clairen asked angrily and I smiled uneasily.

"Well for one, I don't even know this so called 'band' and I'm completely broke. Besides, if you like them just because of their looks ... " If Clairen was just basing in the looks, I would've wasted my money in some kind of one direction band. I didn't hate 1D, but I was not a big fan of their music either. 

"Listen to me, Danielle. You're going to love this guys! You have to go with me! You won't regret it, I promise. They're really good."

"I mean Clairen," I made a face as I closed my locker, "Your taste in music is just ... not my type."

She laughed feeling a little insulted, "Why does mine suck? Compared to what? Your weird taste in music?"

"I'm not saying it sucks, I'm saying that our taste is not compatible. Come on, Clairen. You love Pitbull and his repetitive catch phrases, while I think he's the worst rapper in the world."

"Hey don't insult my future husband!" Clairen snapped.

"See! How can he be your favorite artist?" I asked.

"Well, I'm sorry for not spending all my money in that retro music. You're music is not so cool as you think, Nirvana is horrible. It's all noise and screams."

"Well that's because it's punk and metal genre. But Kurt is still amazing." I said, "I like to see your Pitbull creating songs as profound and records as much as Nirvana did, or at least touching an instrument."

"Whatever." This would always happened if we talked about music, Clairen and I would end up on the verge of killing each other. And it was why, I tried to avoid it as much as I could.

"Can't somebody else go with you, my pop-lover?" I joked. But before I was even finished Clairen was out. I followed her and rolled my eyes. This was the typical Clairen and whenever she was mad at me she would make me follow her all day until I finally accepted her request.

I entered to the restroom as Clairen stared at her reflection, probably admiring her golden locks and colored eyes. Clairen was pretty; she had a mixture of green and blue colored eyes, caramel skin tone, and overflowing blonde hair.

She was in my definition, really lucky, lucky to be so pretty. And even though she had traces of acne and a not-so-pretty nose, a lot of our friends-guys had a crush on Clairen because they considered her pretty, or at least I thought she was.

I, sometimes or maybe all the time, was jealous of her looks. She was skinny, and believe me it was natural! She ate like a pig and her waist didn't increase an inch. Me? I could at a bag of chips and I would gain two more pounds right into my butt.

"Clairen," I called her name out, but she just ignored me. I stared at my reflection and like anything more impulsive, I began to compare myself with Clairen. Which only lead me to say; 'damn I'm ugly' inside my head. I was like Lea Michelle, but without the amazing body. I had a squared jaw, plain brown eyes, and dark-chocolate colored hair. My face wasn't flawless as it once was, I guess puberty-pimples acted late on me.

I blamed karma because I used to make fun of this girl, whom at the age of nine, puberty-pimples decided to come knocking at her door. And the saddest part of it all? It was one of the few things I liked about myself (one of the few things I was better at than Clairen).

'What harm would it do if you go?' My brain shouted at me and continued; 'Clairen is your bestfriend for the love of God.' I felt guilty and I just said it to please her. 

"Fine, I'll go." I said as Clairen looked at me with a smirk and before I could say anything, she was already lunging herself at me. "Clairen." I said as I felt my lungs crush, "Let go of me, I think I'm turning blue. "

And without even knowing I had just made the biggest mistake of my life.

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