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(Sophie and Nate are way in the back!
Sophie: How're you doing, Nate?
Nate: Huh? Oh, fine...

Sophie: I'm not a moronS
Nate: I never said you were.
Sophie: You're treating me like one.

Nate(mad): Am I?!
Sophie(whispers): Eliot, how much longer? Nate can barely keep his eyes open.

Nate: I'm fine, Sophie...
Sophie: No you're not! You're leaving a bloody trail wherever you go!

Eliot: Were almost there.
(Nate decides it's better to keep quiet after that, Sophie was mad)
Sterling: Are we there yet?

Eliot(to Sterling): Keep your mouth shut!
Hardison(to Eliot): I hate to say it, man but it's taking forever. By the way, where's Parker?

Eliot: She's probably already out, by now.
Sterling: so where do we go?
Eliot: Didn't I say to keep your mouth shut?!

Hardison: Relax, James- we got the comms.
(In get back with Sophie and Nate)
Sophie: I can't believe you. You said you weren't gonna fall in his trap, again.

Nate(tiredly): He needs help, Sophie.
Sophie(grumbled): That's always the bloody case!
Nate: You don't have to get mad...

Sophie: I don't have to get mad? I don't have to get mad?!
Nate(tired and sort of scared): Ok, ok, Sophie.
(Sophie advances on Nate)
(Nate shields himself with his hands)

Sophie: Stupid, arrogant bastard!
(Eliot, Sterling, and Hardison turn around to see Sophie hitting Nate)
Eliot(whispers): Wow, wow. soph, calm down. Calm down.

Sophie: You want me to calm down? He's bleeding out and nothing's being done about it!
Eliot: As soon as we get out of these vents we'll-
(Eliot's cut off because the man shot a hole in the vent right in front of him)

Sophie: He heard us!
Nate(grimaces): Yup.
Hardison: I do not wanna get shot today!
Sterling: we must go, then!
Eliot: No duh!

(Everyone picks up their pace)
(Soon they're out and they see Parker standing in front of the exit)

Parker: About time. I was beginning to think you guys suffocated!

Hardison: We don't do this all day, Parker.
Nate(breathing heavily): Guys, guys, we have to go, I bet he already knows we're out.
(Several bullets fly their way. Everyone turns in the direction and notices it's the man.

Eliot: We got to go!
(Eliot takes the lead and runs to the back of the HQ where Lucille is Parker. They all run to the van)

(Eliot pauses by the van door to let everyone in. Hardison floors the gas)

Sophie(guiltily): Nate, are you okay?
(Nate was sitting in the back of the van with his eyes shut)
(Eliot begins stitching the wound and Sterling sits away from them, quiet)

Sophie(whispers): Parker, stop staring at Sterling.
Parker: Huh! It's all his fault!
(She gets up and walks towards Sterling)

Sophie: Hitting people won't solve anything.
Parker: You hit Nate.
Sophie: How did- Never mind. Th-That was different.

Parker: what do you mean Hitting always solves things for Eliot.
(Parker and Sophie both look at Eliot, who gives a slight grin)

Sophie: Okay, okay. Maybe I shouldn't have hit Nate.
(In the back of the van where Eliot is stitching Nate wound)

Eliot: Nice job gett'n her to apologize.
Nate(grimaces in pain and eyes still shut): Works every time.
(Sterling walks over to Nate)

Nate(mumbles to Eliot): Tell him in unconscious.
Eliot(hides smile): What do you want Sterling?

Sterling(sits on the ground next to Nate): I know you don't like me but I just wanted to apologize. I didn't mean for this to happen.

Eliot: It's not me you should be apologiz'n to.
Sterling: Well-
(Meanwhile in front of the van, Hardison glances in the rear view mirror to see they got a tail)

Hardison(turning to face every one): We got a tail!
(Everyone looks at him)
Sophie: what do we do!
Eliot: I'm almost done-
(There tail fires at them and Hardison swerved to dodge the bullets)
(The swerving causes Eliot to pull hard on the needle)

Eliot: Damn it, Hardison!
(Nate swears under his breath)
Sterling: ah, Nate. You're awake!
Nate(trying to cover shoulder): Yes, im awake!

Sterling: I need to apologize.
Eliot and Nate: Do you really think that this is the time to apologize?!
(Hardison swerves again, trying to dodge bullets)

Hardison(pats the wheel): Lucille! no! These people are so damn crazy! It's okay, baby. I got you.

(Everything inside the van falls. A container of gas falls and hits Nate on the head)
Nate: Shit-
Eliot(to Nate): Stop moving!
Sterling: I'm just really sorry-
Eliot: Shut up!

Sophie: Nate what do we do?
Nate(grimaces): She's seriously asking me for directions?

Sterling: Why don't you just flip the van over and make them think we're dead?
(Nate and Eliot look at Sterling)
Eliot: This isn't a damn movie!

Nate(mumbles to himself): She hits me but wants me to come up with he plans.

Sophie: I heard that!
Nate(mumbles): Good!
(Sophie walks over to Nate, threateningly)
Sophie: What!?

Nate: I didn't say anything...right, Eliot?
Eliot: Yeah, Soph. He didn't say nothin'
Parker: will you guys all stop talking and find us a way out of here?

Hardison: Yeah she has a point!
Eliot(shouts): Shut up, Hardison! And focus on the road!

(Hardison sighs and swerves again)
Eliot(mumbles): God dammit!
Hardison: Our tail is right next to us, I don't like this!
(Hardison swerved to the left, hitting their tail. Their tail swerved to the right hitting them)

(Glass falls from the windows onto everyone)
(Eliot pulls on the needle on accident again)
(Nate winced in pain)
Sophie: What do we do, Nate?

Nate(mumbles): She wants me to make a plan, huh!
Eliot: We do need a plan, Nate.
Nate: okay, fine! Parker, get the box in the front of the van.

(Parker gets the box from the front of the van and opens it)

Parker: What am I supposed to do with this?
(Pulls out Beretta)
Nate: Shoot the wheels out.

(Parker opens the back doors and shoots the back wheels of their tail)

(Sterling looks out window to see Parker already shot out the tires)

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