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Sterling(laughs): Why are you scared of guns when she isn't?
(Eliot glares at Sterling)

(Sterling keeps laughing)
Elito(mumbles to Nate as he gets up): I'm gonna throw him out.

Nate(through gritted teeth): Don't Eliot..,
(Nate grimaces in pain)
(Eliot sits back down and Sterling stops laughing. Eliot finally finishes stitching Nate wound)

(Parker comes back in the van and shuts the back door)
Parker: That was fun! Ha! It's more fun than BASE jumping off buildings.
(Sterling looks at Parker)

Parker(notices Sterling at her): Ew, what are you looking at!
(Eliot and Nate stifle laughs)
(Parker hands the Beretta to Eliot who place it on the shelf)

Sophie: Who are those people? I think it's time for you to explain, Nate.
(Nate and Eliot stop laughing)
Nate: ok, okay. Sterling wanted me to help him. He was being followed and thought someone was trying to kill him.

Sophie: Huhhh?! You said that this'll be an easy one!
Nate: I know... I didn't know that there were people after him, well I did but...

Sterling: wait! You already knew there were people after me?
Nate: yes, I mean. Okay, when you called me I figured it out.

Parker(glares at Sterling): Ewww!
Eliot: How'd you know?
Nate: Sterling never calls and asks, that's one.
(Nate stands up and so does Sterling. Sterling is behind Nate)

Nate: then when I went to meet him in the pub, he kept looking at this man in a booth. And when that man started firing at us I knew this was so much more.

Sterling: He's's so much more than that...
(Sterling grabs gun from shelf and hits Nate on the back of his head, knocking him unconscious)

Sophie(dropping to Nate's side): I always knew you were a worthless, good for nothing bugger!

Eliot: Drop the gun, Sterling!
Sterling: Ha! Nice try Eliot. You think I'm gonna drop the gun! Is that what you really think? I thought you were smarter than that, Spencer.

Eliot: If you know what's best then you would.
Hardison: This is so not cool, man!
Sterling: Alec, do me a favor and shut up and get on the freeway.
(Sophie feels the back of Nate's head, it was covered in blood)

Sophie(whispers to Parker): Get a towel on one of the shelves, please.

(Parker moves to get the towel but Sterling points the gun at her)

Sterling: What do you think you're doing? Get back over there.

(Parker smiles)
Parker: You look like a roasted chicken when you yell. Mostly your face because it gets all red and you your tiny hairs on your neck stick up.

(Hardison smirks as he gets on the freeway)
Eliot: Just let her get the towels, if she doesn't Nate will bleed out.

Sterling(points gun back at Eliot): I don't fucken care!
Eliot: You're just gonna let him bleed out, what? You're gonna add murder to your list of crimes?

(Sterling shifts his weight on his feet)
Sterling: Fine.

(Parker brings towels to Sophie who gently applies pressure to the back of Nate's head)

Eliot: What do you want, Sterling?

Sterling(scoffs): Its not what I want, okay! I never wanted this! it's all Ian, he wants this- not me! Not me! I have to do this! Or I-I'll lose my job. Ian will kill me if I don't.

Eliot: Ian wanted you to do this?

Sterling(nods): He wanted me to act like someone was trying to kill me then kill Nathan.

(Eliot exhales)
Eliot: Put the gun down. Ian is just blackmailing you. Jus put the gun down and we'll make sure that you have your job.

Sterling(looks at Eliot in disbelief): How would you do that?
Eliot: You're just gonna have to trust us, James.

(Sterling is breath heavily)

(Eliot walks toward Sterling, slowly. His hand outstretched pushing the gun down. Eliot grabs the gun and puts it in his waistband)

Eliot: Who shot Nate at Mc Rory's, then?

Sterling: I-I don't know. I-Ian never said that he was bringing anyone else in. It was just supposed to be me.

Eliot: Is it possible that someone wanted to kill Nate just incase you failed?

Sterling(nods): Yeah, probably...yeah.
Eliot: Hardison, get off the freeway and head back to the HQ.

Hardison(mumbles): This is just wasting my damn gas, man.

(Eliot ignores him and bends down near Nate's head)
Eliot: Nate is not gonna be happy.
Sophie: you think he already knew?

Eliot(uncovers towel to get a look at Nate's head)He was about to tell us something-yeah. I think he knew.

Parker: I'm hungry. Can we stop at Mc Donald's?
(Everyone stares at Parker)

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