The Creature

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*This is a true story and I myself witnessed it*

So a couple of weekends ago, me and my friend were at my cottage. It was a beautiful day out so we were outside playing badminton. Now, my cottage is surrounded by a huge forested area, so we have had some encounters with many wild animals. Anyway, we were just minding our own buisness when we heard this loud CRACK coming from behind us. It sounded like a big stick breaking.

We froze in our spots and looked over to where the sound came from. We saw the bushes rustling and thats when we saw it. This huge blackish-bluish blur of a creature run past us. Now, we know it wasn't a bear or anything because it was very muscular and almost looked like a deformed ape. We obviously screamed and ran inside. Like 2 weeks later, my older brother and his buddies were up at the cottage alone.

There is this street just past the cemetary and horse barn where no one in my family has ever gone down. Locals say that its dangerous but we never really thought anything of it. So, my brother and his friends being stupid young adults, decided it would be fun to venture out there. It was around 3 in the morning and pitch black outside. When they reached the end of the street they saw nothing. It was just a dead end. They started heading back when the feeling of being watched washed over them.

They picked up their pace and half walked- half jogged down the street. When they neared the end of the street, they heard a ringing/buzzing sound (as my brother described it). Then suddenly, something wizzed past them. My brother said it was going about 50 or 60m/h My brother's friend got the flashlight on his phone and shone it over the street. Nothing. The creature made no noise when it past them, only that ringing sound before they actually encountered it. They ran down the street to try and chase it.

No luck. They decided to head back to the cottage and call it a night. When they were walking up the pathway/driveway of our cottage they heard a loud shrieking sound coming from the woods. I guess you can say that none of us have ever set foot on that street again. 

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