Chapter Eight

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Vicki scoffed to herself as they watched Casandra entered the living area, "She looks like pathetic princess with her cupcake dress."

Olin again stepped in front of Tyler before he could reach her, "Can we skip dinner and go straight for dessert?"

Tyler huffed and pulled her hands from him, "I need a moment alone with MY wife."

Olin smiled and stepped back with surrendered hands, "Okay. I'll wait."

Casandra felt like her stomach was in knots, "Sure Tyler."

Tyler lead her into the kitchen and pulled her to an intense kiss, when he released her, he whispered against her lips, "Tell me you love me.."

She looked at his hurt eyes, "Yes, I love you."

"Tell me, that you don't want him."

Casandra stepped away and looked down, "I.."

"Are you fucking kidding me! Your not going to fuck him!"

Casandra kept her eyes down, "Then that means you can't sleep with Vicki."

"Now wait a minute.."

Casandra snapped her face to him, "That's not fair!"

"I was told he only watched! I didn't know what he had planned for you."

Casandra stepped to him, "Did you ever ask Vicki if any other wives wanted to participate? Maybe that's why he just watched?"

"Wives shouldn't want to participate!"

"Vicki is a wife..?"

"She's not like you! You're innocent! Your special.."

Casandra looked down as he caressed her face, "So if I sleep with him, I won't be anymore? I mean special?"

Tyler sounded as though he was about to cry, "No! I... I'm so torn.."

Cassandra caressed his face, "You wanted this.. Now.. I'm his for tonight.." Tyler shook his head as she pulled away, "Come on, they are waiting."

Tyler heaved as he thought to himself, "Calm down. You need a drink. That will calm your nerves." He slowly made his way back into the living area and took Vicki's arm. She smiled a victoriously and let Tyler usher her to the car.

Olin looked down to Cassandra, "Are you alright?"

"I.. I don't know.." She looked up to him with sad eyes, "How am I supposed to feel?"

Olin kissed her gently on the lips and whispered on them, "Like the treasure you are. Please let me show you."

Cassandra held her eyes closed and nodded as she whispered, "Okay."

After thirty minutes of sitting at one of the best tables,  Cassandra could feel Vicki's stare as she sized her up, "So Cassandra.." She slowly looked to her, "How long have you had implants?"

Cassandra peeked down to her chest, "Implants..?"

The whole table looked to a laughing Olin, "Honey, those aren't fake?"

"Yeah? How do you know?"

Olin smiled as he leaned his chin on his hand, "Guess..."

Cassandra's eyes widened and cut them to a glaring Tyler. Vicki gave a sarcastic laugh and looked to Tyler, "He's lying. Tell him they are fake."

Tyler sighed and shook his head, "No, they're real."

Vicki held in her growl. She turned to Olin, "What else do you know about her?"

Olin smiled as he grasped Cassandra's hand and kissed it, "She loves children, she has a big heart, she's absolutely beautiful, and a good friend."

Vicki's comment totally backfired, but she didn't give up, "I meant what other piece do you know about her? Ass, pussy, or mouth?!"

Cassandra gasped at her ugliness. Olin pointed an angry finger at Vicki, "Shut it right now! We have not slept together, but didn't you say Tyler knows the view of your pussy pretty well. Since he watched you at work?"

Cassandra covered her face as she bolted from the table, "I'm sorry.. I can't.."

Olin immediately chased after her as Vicki held Tyler back, "No! Don't you dare chase after her! You enjoyed watching me!"

Tyler scoffed and pulled from her grasp. He quickly made his way to find Olin and Cassandra. His fist clenched when he found her crying in his arms, "I'm sorry.. I feel like such a fool to think he would be faithful to me."


Olin and Cassandra turned to Tyler as he approached, "I never slept with her!"

"It doesn't matter. Let's just get this night over with."

Tyler stepped in front of her, "Are you going to sleep with Olin? I bet he won't last five minutes. Vicki told me he hasn't slept with anyone in almost a year!"

Olin put Cassandra behind him, "That may be, but I bet you, I can make her cum more tonight than the whole history of your marriage."

"And if I win?"

Olin smirked, "I get whichever one I want for rest of the weekend, but alone!"

Tyler chuckled, "And if she chickens out." He cut his eyes to Cassandra, "Which you will, you forfeit, and I get both for rest of the weekend, alone!"

Olin laughed, "Rules, who ever cums first loses, and if you cum, you have to wait until the other is finished."

Tyler bit his lip in confidence, "Deal!"

Cassandra's mouth dropped as they shook hands and thought, "Oh my God! What just happened?"

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