Chapter Twenty Eight

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***** Final Warning******
This is not your normal fairytale. You have been warned!

Olin jogged through the emergency room doors . He took deep breathes as he spoke to a lady at the front desk, "I received a phone call that Cassandra Lambert was brought here. I'm her fiancé."

The attendant pulled up her file and turned to Olin, "Mr Richmond, please have a seat. I will let her sister know that you are here."

Olin slightly huffed but took his seat. Five minutes later, he spotted a crying Tiffany walking towards him. He slowly stood as she stopped in front of him, "What..? Where..?"


Olin's breath shook as he entered Cassandra's hospital room. His eyes frantically looked over her sleeping form. There was so much tubes and machines beeping, but the one that stood out the most was the one that kept her and their baby alive; her ventilator. He kept playing the doctors diagnose over and over in his mind,
"Cassandra suffered a cerebral hemorrhage. She has severe bleeding on her brain. I am very sorry Mr. Richmond, but her mind.." Olin turned his shocked, tear soaked face to him, "She is brain dead. We are keeping her alive in hopes of your child could later be delivered through c section."

Olin pressed his eyes back open to reality. His hand shook as he reached for hers and squeezed it as he sat down on the edge of her bed, "Okay Cassandra.. You need to wake up now.." He slightly rocked back and forth, "Wake up.. Please.. Baby..?" Nothing, no noise, no movement. Just beeping of the machines. He couldn't hold it back anymore. He started to sob uncontrollably. Tiffany slowly eased up to the hospital room doorway. She covered her mouth to muffle her own crying as she watched the heart breaking scene. Olin calmed his crying as he felt as though he was being watched. He turned to Tiffany with a blank face, "Where was she, when this happened?"


Cassandra huffed as she headed up her old apartment stairs, "I can't believe I use to climb these everyday." When she finally reached her floor, she looked down as she searched for her key. When she stopped in-front of her door, her foot barely bumped it, and it eased open. Cassandra's face immediately shot up with fear. Her chest heaved as she continued to ease the door open, her eyes widened as three older teenagers went through her belongings. Her tempered flared as one of them picked up Jackson's framed ultra sound picture. He looked at it for a moment and carelessly tossed it, breaking it in the process. "No!"

All three teenagers turned to her. One of them stepped forward, "Who tha fuck are you?"

Cassandra held her ground, "I fucking live here! Get out!"

The boy cut his eyes down to her new engagement ring, "You lyin.. You don't live here when you got a ring like that! Give it here!"

Cassandra's brow wrinkled as she covered her hand, "No! Get out!" Her eyes widened as the tall teenager growled, he pressed his teeth as he grabbed her shoulders and slammed her against the apartment wall, hitting the back of her head in the process.

One of the other boys stepped forward, "Shit man! Don't hurt her!"

The attacker turned to him as he held a now disoriented Cassandra against the wall, "Man, Shut tha fuck up! Help me get this Bitches rock.."

The other boy stepped back and refused, "I'm not robbing from a pregnant woman."

Her attacker growled as he pinned her with one hand and roughly jerked her ring from her finger.

Cassandra whimpered as her head starting to feel as though it was about to split open, "Somethings wrong.. I can't feel my right side... Something.."

She slowly slumped to the floor as her attacker released her, "Common! Hurry up!" All three ran from the apartment, leaving her defenseless.

Cassandra tried to keep calm, but the pain became worse every second. She frantically pulled her phone from her back pocket and dialed most recent phone call. "She laid on the floor as she heard Olin's voice mail, "Ooolliinn... I.... I... Ooolliinn...?" Cassandra could feel herself slipping away. Darkness consumed her eyes, then she was gone.

Tiffany growled as she climbed the apartment stairs. She had promised to help Cassandra pack some of her and the babies belongings for the new apartment. She briefly froze as she noticed the apartment door ajar. When she peaked in, she saw Cassandra passed out on the floor. She gasped as she ran to her and immediately dialed 911. On the way to the hospital, she frantically called Olin repeatedly as she followed the ambulance. "Oh my God Olin! Answer your damn phone! Cassandra is.. Oh God!.. Just call me!" She slammed her hand against the steering wheel, "Fuuucckk! Fucking move people!" Tiffany finally released her angry tears, "Please be okay.. Please.."

Olin sat in shock when she told him where she was when she became ill. He slowly looked back to her. His eyes studied her as he tried to figure out what happened. His eyes stopped on her bruised left ring finger. He felt a cold chill eased down his spine, "Did they give you her ring?"

Tiffany shook her head, "No, what does it look like?"

***************I gave you plenty of warnings, but you didn't listen

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I gave you plenty of warnings, but you didn't listen. This is not your normal, happy, love story..

I know you didn't like the chapter, but what did you think about it?

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