thirty six

729 12 0


"Baby, why you keep disabling your comments?" Diego questioned while watching his girl get ready. She was currently doing her simple makeup after getting changed.

"In case you haven't noticed, people are assholes," she said, a bit annoyed that he had to ask.

"Don't listen to them," he told her as of it were easy. For him, it was by now, but for her, it was a struggle. She felt depressed everyday about it and refused to turn them back on in case the hate got bad again.

She set her mascara tube down, looking at him unimpressed. "It ain't that easy."

He took a hit from the blunt he was holding. "I know, baby. Just know you're fuckin' beautiful and they don't know shit about you."

She sighed, then slowly started to apply highlighter. She knew Diego was trying, but it just wasn't working.

"Who's Jess?" she asked the question lingering on her mind for the past weeks. Ever since she really started paying attention to the comments, that's all Diego's fans seem to care about.

Diego's face fell as he took another hit. "She's my ex. My fans don't really know we broke up and I haven't really cared to tell them. I guess I'm still hung up on how everything went down."

"You should tell them," she said, not believing she just suggested it. It hurt a bit knowing they all think he's cheating on this Jess chick. It also hurt when he said he was still hung up on her. Billie didn't want to just be that rebound. She wanted to mean something to Diego.

He shrugged. "I dunno. They just think we're still in an open relationship so I still fuck around."



"They deserve to know."

Call it selfish, but Billie just hated how his fans blew up his comments about her. She didn't want any other girl in Diego's life other than her.

"I guess you're right," Diego sighed in defeat, knowing Billie was right.

He didn't know how Jess would feel about telling the world they broke up. They haven't talked in a while, but he felt that he needed to talk to her about it.

wake up//lil xanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon