forty nine

733 13 0


"Who the fuck is this?" Billie questioned, looking through Diego's texts. They made a deal that if Billie could beat him in a one on one in basketball, she could go through his phone.

Every part of Diego wished he had played harder because she was asking that same question every two seconds.

"Who the fuck is this whore?" she questioned, not letting him see what she was looking at. "'Baby, come over I'm lonely'," she read in a mocking voice. "I can't believe you, Diego." She threw his phone back onto his lap, seeing enough.

"I don't actually reply to them. You're the only one I want, Billie," he came up behind her, kissing her shoulder, then her neck. "They're just hoes looking for my attention."

She wanted to be mad. She wanted to believe she was right. But she knew he left them all on read. She had no believe him because she had no reason not to.

"Baby, believe me," he kissed farther up her neck, moving her hair to the side.

Billie tried keeping her guard up, but the more Diego sucked on her skin, the more she began to cave.

"You're so annoying," she muttered before turning around and pressing her lips to his. He let one hand find her ass while the other stayed on the exposed skin on her waist.

"Baby, you're so amazing," he mumbled against her lips, letting his tongue slide in to play with her tongue piercing. The grip on her ass tightened as he pulled them closer together.

"Diego, what the fuck?!"

The two pulled away from each other. Billie was embarrassed while Diego was more pissed off.

"Jess, what the fuck are you doing here?" Diego groaned in annoyance. He had made it very clear he wanted nothing to do with her.

"Wait, this is Jess?" Billie questioned, climbing off his lap.

"And this is the hoe you were fucking with?"

"Jess, I told you I didn't want you around," Diego ignored the two.

"I just came to grab the last of my shit and leave my key here. But obviously you're busy with this skank, so I'll just leave," she said, knowing it would piss them both off.

Diego quickly stood up to hold his girl back. He didn't want her getting in trouble and at risk of not seeing her for a while.

"Get you're whore ass out of here. He doesn't want you here and neither do I," Billie hissed.

"After the other night, I don't think that's true," she smirked before leaving the apartment.

Billie instantly pushed Diego off her. "What the fuck does she mean by that?" She was hurt, it was no lie, but she wanted to come off as strong as possible.

"Baby, she was just trying to get in your head," Diego avoided an actual answer, taking one step closer, while Billie took one step back until she was pressed against the island.

"Don't lie, Diego. Did you fuck her?" a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Nothing Diego would say or do could fix this.

"Baby," he reached out to hold her hands, but she pulled them away.


"Babe, it meant nothing to me," he begged as Billie left his grip and headed to the bedroom where she planned to pack her things.

"If it meant nothing, why not say something? And why the fuck is she comin' around here actin' like you guys are together? And why the fuck is she just now grabbing the last of her shit like you just broke up?" Billie didn't bother looking him in the eye, knowing she would start to break down. The only thing that could make her feel better was the oxy sitting at the bottom of her bag along with a few percs.

"I don't fuckin' know! Maybe 'cause she's psycho?" Diego tried making up excuses, but he knew she was coming over. "And I guess she might've had a sweater here. I don't fucking know, okay?"

It was in the texts he deleted the night before. She was begging to come over, he told her no and that his girl was here, but she said she would come through tonight even if he told her no many times. He didn't think she was seriously going to show up.

"If you're not over her, fine. I don't really care. I'll support you if you want her back. Just don't fuckin' lie about it," Billie finally turned around to face him after she had most of her things packed.

"Baby, you're the only one I want. I know I fucked up with Jess, but I promise I don't want her back. Fuck, you're deadass the only girl I'll ever need."

She knew he was telling the truth, or at least she hoped he was, but she still needed time to think. So, without another word, she walked out with her bag over one shoulder.

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