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In this dream, I start out at home. So uh...yeah. I'm at home doing random stuff when someone comes and tells me, "let's go have some fun blah blah blah!" So I go with them.

I can kinda see why this dream came to me. I'll explain in a second or two...

So I went somewhere and had fun and came back home....AND MY BUDGIES OMG MY BEAUTIFUL PET BIRDS WERE GONE! Like holy shit! 

After that part I woke up. And blinked. And realized they were OK. 

The other day I speculated how my birds disappear...and I realized that a lot of them disappeared whenever I decided to go somewhere, have a life outside home and meet up with cousins and stuff. Like one time, I went for a New Years  Party at a resort for just ONE day. I return to find the cage in shambles and my favorite bird at the time gone. The other day, just at the end of last month I lost my budgie hen Winter by the time I got home from a trip to the beach. Another time, when I went out with my family one evening, someone stole my rarest budgie straight from the cage. My life really sucks.

Or well, they also disappear or die when I take a nap after coming from school or whatever. I lost a baby chick and a budgie to napping. The baby chick was killed by my sister's cat. The budgie escaped (the door was ajar when I woke up and realized I didn't lock it).

Anyway, that's it for this one. 

See ya later!


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