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This day went all wrong Arthur thought.  Arthur Pendragon was sitting in his room whilst waiting for his love, Guinevere, to come to bed. He was thinking over how unusual the day was. Yet the day wasn't unusual. Everything went the same. He woke up. He ate breakfast. He trained. He did all of the other duties he had to do and he was about to go to bed. Everything was exactly the same except it felt like the world had turned upside down.

  Arthur shook himself back to the world as Gwen sat next to him on the bed. She leaned her head on her shoulder and then raised her head a bit before kissing him on the cheek. "Arthur. What is wrong?" She asked him. Arthur turned towards her and denied everything," Nothing my dear. The day was unusual that is all."

Gwen sat up straighter and looked at him straight on. Her eyes scanned every feature of his face looking for an idea of what he meant. She then spoke saying," Then we shan't sleep until I figure out what it is was so unusual about the day." Arthur sighed. He knew there was  no escaping her caring clutches now.

"Let's start with the morning." Gwen said.

Arthur began," Well, Merlin came into our room and you were already out and about. He woke me up with that stupid ' Rise and shine!' thing of his. He laid my clothes on the bed and started going over my schedule for the day. Then he went and got my breakfast. I ate and he returned the dishes to the kitchen. That's it. And yet that part of the day  feels so off..."

They were quiet for a moment before Gwen began," Did you have an unfriendly conversation at all?"

Arthur thought for a moment before realizing." That is what it was..."

"What?" Gwen asked confused? "Did you get in a fight again?"

"No, no." Arthur replied. "Merlin was off today. He wasn't just fumbling around like an idiot. I was like every movement of his was cautious..."

"Well, now that we've figured out the cause. Then tomorrow you should talk to him. Maybe he didn't sleep well the night before. Just see how it goes tomorrow."

Merlin: The Depth of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now