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As they sat there Merlin spoke as if none of it had just happened," So..uh. We should probably head back to the castle. Right?" Even though all of them were surprised at how well Merlin just pulled the rug over the situation they all agreed and went back to where their camp had been to collect their horses and supplies. When they got there everyone began to gather up their things that they had dropped earlier that morning. That's when they realized that they didn't have pots out and if they did it would have already been put away. Someone had put them there.

At that moment over 20 bandits ran on them. They had their swords drawn and were ready to kill. None of the Knights nor Arthur had any of their weapons at hand. They had no chance whatsoever. Merlin raised his hand and shouted Wáce ierlic!. All of the bandits went flying away from them  . All of the knights and Arthur looked at him with surprise and other emotions that he didn't want to know. They all were just standing there so Lancelot yelled," Horses,go!" Everyone scrambled for their horses and mounted. They then were off before any of the bandits recovered. 

 When they reached the road Arthur told them to go the opposite way of the castle. They stopped after an hour of riding in silence. Arthur turned to face them whilst still on his horse and gave commands. " set up camp. Someone tie up Merlin or guard him or whatever. "At this Lancelot and Gwaine started to protest but Arthur sent them a death glare and they quieted down.  Merlin's face contorted with sadness. After all that went down today... and this is how it ends. Leon was about to begrudgingly lead Merlin to sit by a tree while they made camp but Merlin just muttered a few words. And went and sat down himself.  Leon was about to say something but then just turned around and helped set up camp.  

Once they were done setting up camp they all sat unaware of what they should do. But then Arthur spoke," Merlin. I can't believe you. I can't believe you would betray me and become a sorcerer just like Morgana did." At this Merlin was about to reply but then Lancelot did for him," Oh shut up Arthur. Merlin, you should explain yourself to them so Arthur doesn't do anything like the idiot prat he is." Arthur was going to retaliate at Lancelot but Merlin cut him off. "I guess your right. Well this morning was fun wasn't it! Ah yes i'm not sure what happened yesterday with me fainting but i do know what happened today. But first let me explain the magic stuff. So I'm a warlock. I was born with magic. I had absolutely no choice in the matter. And I didn't know how to control it. So i had to study magic so that I wouldn't just be asleep and make things levitate. So ya." Merlin quieted down when he finished. He saw Lancelot motioning for him to continue. Merlin spoke once more,"I guess you can figure out what happened this morning." 

This time Percival asked Merlin to elaborate," I'm sorry Merlin but I don't think any of us really know what caused that." Merlin sighed before saying," So I get nightmares and daymares i guess. But I kind of am absolutely terrified of every single one of you...."  All of the faces around him sunk. Yet Arthur's only got more confused. So he said," That's impossible." At that remark Merlin replied," I wish it was. Because then I could actually sleep instead of scream. Instead of seeing horrible images and scenes in my mind every second. DO you think I want to have nightmares of myself getting burned at the pyre or run through with your sword. Because I don't. SO this morning all of that happened because the dreams got really bad and I couldn't tell if you already knew about my magic and wanted to run me through. Heck I was expecting to open my eyes and find myself in a cell looking out at the courtyard where a pyre is being built.  " He continued," But now I'm guessing that dreams really do come true and we'll arrive in Camelot just to start making preparation for the celebratory banquet after my burning flesh finally stops smoking. "

Arthur heard what his clumsy manservant was saying and couldn't even fathom the idea of having him dead.  He could see Merlin holding back tears whenever he finished speaking. But then before Arthur could deny what Merlin was saying. Merlin started talking again. "You know to make it even worse you'd probably have me prepare the pyre myself. I mean I am servant aren't I. I could probably help the preparation right now." Saying nothing his eyes glowed gold and thick vines wrapped themselves around Merlin.  The vines tied his wrists together and bound him tightly. All of the knights and even Arthur looked on in horror as Merlin continued to rant about how they would probably sign another treaty against magic at the banquet and how they'll go after his mother and how they'll scoff while he burns. 

Finally Lancelot broke from his daze of horror and sat down by Merlin and clamped his hand over Merlin's mouth to stop him from speaking. He then looked to Arthur and said," Do you see what being in Camelot has done to him? and think of all the others who have magic in this kingdom as well. They fear you. Merlin fears us. He can't sleep because of us.  What happened this morning, that pain he was in... was because of us. And if you make any of those scenes come true Arthur you'll probably lose every single one of us knights."

Arthur's mouth was agape and he said," I-i would never order any such thing... Merlin you are my friend and practically family by now. Just because you have magic won't change that. I mean it might be hard for me and some people at the castle to accept it because we were raised with such hatred but I would never burn you at the the stake."

Merlin's eyes flashed gold once more and the vines uncurled from around him. He said," Well, thanks?"

Merlin: The Depth of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now