12- Forgotten Tales

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Merlin returned to Camelot on Gwaine's horse, who had been healed and was now stronger than before.  And despite the urgent terms of his return he was elated to see magic present in the marketplace. He spurred onward though,past the market straight to the Citadel. When he arrived, he dismounted the horse and went inside to find Arthur. Merlin walked through the halls and got a few strange and some excited looks at his return. He passed an off leading corridor and was suddenly wrapped in a hug. He got startled and almost made him and the person trip. He steadied himself before stepping away from the person and making eye contact with them. "Gwen!" He said excited. She then spoke," I'm so relieved you're back! Wait... why are you back? Did Arthur send for you already" Merlin's face went dark again as he remember why he had come back," No. But I do need to see him,now. Do you know where he is?" Gwen thought for a moment before replying," I think he was being instructed by Geoffrey exactly on how the new laws play out, but I'm not entirely sure." Merlin nodded,"Thank you. I promise we can catch up later." he then hurried off towards the archives/library/ Geoffrey's office. 

When Merlin made it to the archives he saw Arthur and Geoffrey speaking quietly by a large desk. They were huddled over a long piece of parchment with a signature, Merlin could only assume Arthur's, at the the bottom. Merlin quietly walked over to the pair and stood next to Geoffrey and glance over the parchment. Geoffrey had nopticed him and scooted over a tad bit but Arthur hadn't the slighest clue. For that reason, when Merlin started to say something in a lull of conversation, Arthur jumped backwards and tripped over a stack of books before falling with a flutter of papers around him. Merlin laughed and Geoffrey sighed before rolling up the parchment and going to work in the opposite side of the archives to allow Arthur and Merlin to speak. Once Merlin stopped laughing the pair just looked at each other for an absurd amount of time before Arthur realized he hadn't sent for Merlin." Did the Druid's move already? Why are you back?" Merlin responded," I wish that was the reason for my return but sadly I have returned under a more important  piece."  Arthur's face gathered lines of confusion as he asked," What do you mean, Merlin?" 

Merlin hesitated before gesturing that they leave the archive. Arthur nodded and led the way towards his chambers where the only people who might arrive unannounced would be Gwen or a few of the knights. When they had finished traversing the way to Arthur's chambers and finally stood in Arthur's room, neither of them sat down so Merlin said," With what I'm about to say, you might need to sit." Arthur curtly responded," If I'm to sit then you should as well." Merlin obligingly sat and Arthur did the same.  After a few moments of silence Arthur spoke," Would you spill it already. Whatever it is, we are wasting time here." Merlin took a breathe before looking Arthur in the eyes and quietly saying, "Morgana was at the Druid camp." Arthur flared with anger as he processed what Merlin said but before he could respond, Merlin continued," But she wasn't evil anymore. Apparently she had run from Morgause to the Druids and the elders thought it would benefit her to forget what she had done and all the stuff that had happened up until before she went evil. So she still remembered me and I swear she's changed." It wasn't very long until Arthur asked," You said 'she was at the druids camp.' Where is she now?" Merlin withheld ," That is confidential..."  Arthur retorted," C'mon Merlin. Where is she at? You can't be that blind to believe she is better now." Merlin scoffed," And you to believe that she couldn't be." There was a lull before Merlin insisted," I know she was terrible and tried to kill us both and Camelot way too many times but... she doesn't remember any of that. That has been completely wiped from her. She doesn't know what Morgause had done to her. And she has no clue of what she had done to us. Just give her a chance." Arthur searched Merlin's face and decided that he might as well get used to trusting Merlin, so he nodded. Merlin rose from the table," I'm going to talk to Gaisus and then I'm returning to Morgana. Don't follow me because I'll know. I promise you I'll take you to her when she's ready and I can trust you won't betray her past life into the open."  With that said, Merlin left and went on his usual route to the physicians chambers where he found Gaisus looking through a book. When Gaisus looked up his eyes widened and he shot up to embrace his ward. Merlin informed Gaisus of the situation with Morgana and explained a small bit of his time with the druids. Merlin then grabbed a few things from his room and left the castle for the hills once more. 

Once he was out of the walls he quickly made his way back to a small cave hidden in the forest. Inside Morgana was sitting at a makeshift table anxiously awaiting Merlin's return. She heard him arrive and met him at the makeshift door. Merlin told her that he would soon bring Arthur to her.  He then informed her," Morgana... I have withheld this from you up until know and I won't tell you everything but you should know that where you have forgotten there have been many instances where you didn't do right. And many people here will not react kindly to your returning presence. But you need to know this to prepare for those people. Arthur is hesitant to meet you but I'll keep him from doing anything stupid." Morgana looked into his eyes and replied," I wish someone would tell me what I have done. But I understand if ignorance is bliss in this occasion. Thank you for welcoming me, Merlin. You are the only person who I trust right now. You are more family to me than anyone else in this place. Thank you..." Merlin smiled softly and said," I'm glad you feel that way Morgana. I hope that everyone in Camelot can allow you a second chance to right the wrongs you don't even remember committing. Now we should sleep soon . It will be a long week ahead." They then collected a few herbs, made dinner, and went to sleep in their own bedrolls the druids had given to them.

In the druid camp, Aldvers had explained that Morgana was there and how she didn't remember anything. Merlin gave Morgana a chance and she proved she had changed. They grew close quickly and whenever Merlin wasn't learning new traditions you could find him with her. They were closer than a brother and sister would normally be and yet that is what they had become. There was no romance, only agape love for each other. It was unconditional and sudden. They took care of each other. They didn't allow any harm, no matter what form it took, to come upon the other. It was beautiful and those who witnessed it grow felt blessed to see such an amazing and healthy relationship take place. 

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