3: Maybe Perfect

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Chapter 3

“Tonight please do the review from page seven to nine to refresh your memory on the concepts. Expect a small quiz tomorrow on what you know so far.” my calculus teacher Mr. Rioter said as the bell for lunch rang and everybody started packing up.

Since I was known for being smart, let’s just say I’m a nerd, I was in a lot of advanced classes. This class, advanced calculus was something that I wasn’t exactly happy about. Sure my marks last semester in advanced functions were good but I had to work really hard studying and working on the assignments to keep my mark up. Calculus is even harder than functions so I’m not looking forward for the rest of the semester with Mr. Rioter; one of the toughest teachers in the school.

As I picked up my books and headed out of the class for lunch, Mr. Rioter called me back for a second. “Miss. Campbell, please stay back for a second.” he instructed.

As everybody else was heading out for lunch I turned around and walked to stand in front of Mr. Rioter’s desk. “Did you need something sir?” I asked politely.

“Oh, well Sophie, I saw that you had excellent marks last year in functions and I was wondering if you were interesting in tutoring some of the younger kids throughout the school that are having trouble in math?” he asked me.

I shook my head. “I would love to but I’m sorry, I have four classes this semester that require a lot of work and studying on my part and I also have a part-time job at a coffee shop. I really don’t have any free time this semester. Sorry.” I replied, shrugging my shoulders.

He nodded in acceptance. “Okay, that’s fine. You’re free to go, have a good lunch Miss. Campbell.” he said.

I nodded and walked out of the room. I did feel a little bad that I couldn’t tutor some of the younger kids but this was my last semester as a senior. I needed to work to keep my grades up and study for my exams and hope for a scholarship to university. I really didn’t want my aunt and uncle responsible for paying my way through university so I became determined to focus on my grades to obtain a scholarship to a good university.

I walked down the hall from my calculus class to my locker to grab my lunch. I sometimes brought my lunch from home but today wasn’t one of those cases, and seeing as I was one of the last students heading to the cafeteria, I expected there to be a long line.

When I walked into the cafeteria, I figured that I was indeed later than I thought as the line for food was diminishing slowly. I stepped into the line, picking up a tray and following the students down the cafeteria.

As I was waiting in line, I looked around to see if I could spot either Piper or Blake. I looked towards the table we had sat at last semester only to find both of them there; talking and eating the food they had collected from the caf.

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