This Will Never Be The Last

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Magnus: I would.

Those two words that Magnus had said has been clouding all of the thoughts that Alec has in his mind. When he asked the question and when Magnus answered, he was getting all flustered that he wanted to stay with Magnus even more. Though it wasn't possible because Jace yanked him out of the room before Magnus could have a chance to kiss him. When Alec was gone, Magnus just laughed and said to himself.

Magnus: Don't worry Alexander, this will never be the last.

Magnus closed the door shut, and walked more into his loft. As the High Warlock of Brooklyn, it was Magnus' job to serve clients, help them achieve their dream, and make a lot of money while doing it. It may seem that Magnus had lived alone when really he wasn't because of his cat Chairman Meow.

Magnus: What do you think about Alexander, Chairman?

All Chairman Meow was just purring, and that was a sign that he agreed. That or he just wanted more milk in his bowl.

Magnus: I think it would be nice to have another person live with me. It has been quite lonely with no people here, all the people I have lived are dead. I think it will be a nice change for him to keep me company.

Magnus hasn't been this excited to have a roommate, in fact, he hasn't felt any emotion until now. Not only was Magnus excited, but Alec was too. As much as Magnus wanted to know Alec, Alec wanted to get to know Magnus too. He hasn't shown anyone his demon mark to anyone, but his family and Clary. Now that Magnus knows, it gave Alec some sort of change in his heart that he could be trusted with this. Yes, he was going to miss his family and the Institute but at least he won't be all on his own.

Jace: Alec, wake up!

Izzy: Jace, keep it down we have to get Alec out of here.

Alec: Wait, what time is it?

Jace: Time for you to get a watch.

Izzy: Ugh, it's 2:30 in the morning, let's go.

Izzy, Jace, and Clary walk Alec out of the Institute and all the way to Magnus' loft. As soon as they knocked, Magnus opened the door and let them in. All of Alec's clothes were magically placed in the guest bedroom drawer thanks to Magnus. They all said their goodbyes, gave him hugs and left Magnus and Alec alone. The two boys looked at one another, and all they could do was just stare into each other's eyes and lean in.

Alec: You're not wearing makeup?

Magnus: I'm not. Why? Do you like it when I wear makeup then my natural face?

Alec: I love both faces.

Magnus: Thank you. Now come along, I need to show you to your room.

Magnus leaded Alec to a small hallway headed left and then arrived into a small but elegant room. There was a double-sized bed that was leaned up against the middle part of the room, there was a drawer on the left side of the bed, and a bathroom on the right. Alec had to admit that this was a fancy place. He thought it was the perks of being the High Warlock.

Magnus: Impressed?

Alec: Yeah, this

Magnus: I knew you'd say that.

Alec: How did you get all of this?

Magnus: I think some of it I got from was a Market in Spain several centuries ago.

Alec: Centuries?

Magnus: Uh, I'm a Warlock remember? And Warlocks have immortality.

Alec: Right. I hope it's not rude to ask if....if...

Magnus: How old am I? No, it's not. I'm 400 years old.

Alec: Woah, I don't think I will ever meet anyone that is older than that.

Magnus: You never know, Alexander, plus I have Warlock friends who are much older than me.

Alec: How?

Magnus: Born at an earlier date than mine, I guess.

Alec didn't know what to say, but he really did want to ask Magnus so much more.

Magnus: I know that you may have a lot of questions for me, which I will be happy to answer, but I think those can wait until morning. You need to go back to bed because it looks like you didn't even sleep for a minute.

Magnus rushed Alec to bed, and Alec had to get into bed as soon as possible. Magnus was right, he didn't sleep for a second. Alec thought of it as being nervous since he was moving into a new home.

Alec: Goodnight/Good morning Magnus.

Magnus: Goodnight/ Good morning Alexander.

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