Finding Alec

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Valentine: You didn't find him?

Lilith: He was under the care of the High Warlock of Brooklyn, his anger mixed in with his magic was the one thing that kept me from reaching him.

Valentine: You are the Mother of All Demons, you could've gotten rid of the Warlock easily.

Lilith: What if you were facing him by yourself? What if you were facing Asmodeus' son himself?

Valentine: What?

Lilith: That's right. Asmodeus, the Ninth Prince of Hell, had impregnated a woman from Indonesia and gave birth to a son named Magnus Bane.

Valentine: Then he valuable just as your son is.

Lilith: Why is that?

Valentine: Think about it, if I can have Alec, Jonathan, and Magnus in my possession then I will be unstoppable. All that power under my command no Clave, Shadowhunter, or Downworlder could ever stop me now.

Lilith: You think it is so easy for that to happen, but how on earth are you going to get that power?

Valentine: It's called magic Lilith.

Lilith: You think I'm going to help you?

Valentine: That is if you want your son back.

Lilith stopped for a moment and thought about Alec. As long as she would have Alec in her custody then she would do anything to have her son back.

Valentine: Are you going to help me?

Lilith: Be lucky that I want him with me, what do we have to do?

Valentine: We need to be able to track him, that's where you come in. You can use his your magic to track your blood that is inside of him, and then tell me where he is so I can bring him to you. It's more than likely that Magnus will be there with Alec, so a double kidnapping will be in session.

Lilith: As long as you give me my son back then fine I'll do it.

Valentine: Then you have a deal.

Lilith didn't care if she was going beyond the line, she was going to get her son back whether it was impossible or not. If she can care for Jonathan then she could care for Alec even if he was a teenager. Lilith closed her eyes and then concentrated on the blood that was being shared with her and Alec and went forward with finding her son. When she saw him, she saw him in Paris in the Magnus' loft and then she opened her eyes.

Valentine: Where are they?

Lilith: In Paris, France in Magnus Bane's loft. Here.

Lilith opened a portal.

Lilith: Use it, so you can get my son back.

Valentine: I will.

You May Be A Demon, But I Still Love YouNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ