The Moment Has Yet To Arrive

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Alec: Magnus, how high up are we?

Magnus: I'd say 1,063 in height.

Alec and Magnus were visiting the Eiffel Tower, and Alec couldn't believe how high the two were up. From here, Alec thought he could see the whole world from up here.

Magnus: Enjoying the view?

Alec: This is amazing. I don't think I have ever seen anything like it.

Magnus: I think it has always been the same for me, just without the new and improved ones

Alec: You've been to Paris before?

Magnus: Yes, I used a hot air balloon to save the Queen of France.

Alec: You've met the Queen?

Magnus: Of France. Not England, though I do have to get on that after I do something else.

Alec: And what is this 'something else'?

Magnus: Let's just say it has to involve you and me.

This was Alec's chance, and he couldn't waste any time. Alec, slowly, took Magnus' hands interrupted by his cellphone.

Alec: Sorry, I should take this.

Alec stepped to the sideline and answered the call. It was Jace, of course, and he hoped that this was a good excuse to call him.

Alec: What is it, Jace?

Jace: Alec? Oh, thank the angel, you're alive. Where are you? Where's Magnus?

Alec: We just so happen to be in Paris, what do you want?

Jace: We just got word from The Clave that Valentine has kidnapped several Shadowhunters from different parts of the world.

Alec: What?

Jace: We're assuming that he's probably going to brainwash till they are under his control.

Alec: What does this have to deal with me?

Jace: It has to deal with you because Valentine sent a message to Inquisitor Imogen that if we don't give you to him then he's going to take as many Shadowhunters as he can so he can make his own army and then will destroy us all.

Alec didn't know what to say after that, how could he say anything? It's him or everyone dies just like that.

Alec: Turn me in them.

Jace: No.

Alec: Jace, you have to. Valentine will never stop until he gets what he wants.

Jace: It's not happening, just whatever you do, don't leave Paris and stay with Magnus.

Alec: Jace-

Jace: I have to go, bye.

Alec: Jace-

Jace hung up, and Alec didn't know whether to feel frustrated or worried.

Magnus: Is something wrong, Alexander?

Alec: Jace told me that Valentine is looking for me. He has kidnapped several Shadowhunters and he sent a message to the Head Inquisitor that if she doesn't turn me in then all the kidnapped Shadowhunters will be under his control so he can kill us all.

Magnus: From the phone call Jace gave you, I'm not letting you go.

Alec: Magnus, I have to.

Magnus: No, you don't. Think about it Alexander, what if this is all a trap? Everyone knows that he never holds up his word, he'll still get what he wants in the end.

Alec hadn't thought about that, and Magnus was right.

Magnus: You're staying with me, whether you like it or not.

Alec: Well I don't have a choice since Jace told me to stay here with you.

Magnus: Good thing I haven't given up my loft.

Alec: You have another loft in Paris?

Magnus: I'm the High Warlock of Brooklyn, Alexander, what do you think I use my money on?

Alec: Glitter?

Magnus: Maybe that, but most of it goes to where I live.

Magnus opened a portal and transferred the two into his loft.

Magnus: Welcome to my other loft.

Alec: Now I don't know which one is fancier, the one in New York or here.

Magnus: They all have their unique styles Alexander. Now where were we?

Alec: What do you mean?

Magnus: You were about to grab my hands, and what else?

Alec: (Kiss you....)

Magnus: What was that?

Alec: (Kiss you...)

Magnus: I can't hear you, can you speak a little-

Magnus was cut off with a kiss, his Alexander's kiss.

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