How Far Are You Willing To Go?

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Inquisitor Imogen: I am not going to ask you again, where is Alexander Lightwood?

Izzy: And for the last time, we don't know where he is! Two days ago, he went missing and we have no idea where he is.

Inquisitor Imogen: You have tried my patience, you are under arrest all and you will be brought to the Silent City.

Clary: STOP!

Inquisitor Imogen: Clarissa Fairchild, your Valentine's daughter.

Clary: Yes I am, and please don't hurt them!

Inquisitor Imogen: What makes you think that you can stop my authority?

Clary: You are no authority figure at all if it means that you're going to arrest them just because they don't want to turn their brother into a monster.

Inquisitor Imogen: If we don't turn him in then he will destroy us all.

Clary: What if I were to say that I know where Alec is?

Jace and Izzy were looking pissed at Clary, and they were shocked to see those words come out of her mouth.

Inquisitor Imogen: I'm listening.

Clary: Alec is hiding in this place called the Spiral Labyrinth.

Inquisitor Imogen: What?

Clary: He told me that he would hide in there until Valentine is in full custody of The Clave.

Imogen then turned around to look at Izzy and Jace to see if this was true.

Inquisitor Imogen: Is this true?

Izzy: Yes.

Jace: He told all of us before he left.

Inquisitor Imogen: Why would Alec Lightwood hide there?

Clary: It's the one place Valentine would never look as Alec said.

Inquisitor Imogen: Then we'll have to catch him there.

Clary: I think I can help with that.

Clary drew a rune in the air and turning it into a portal.

Inquisitor Imogen: Impossible.

Clary: That's what you get when Valentine experiments on his own daughter, shall we?

Clary and Imogen headed inside of the portal, and Clary winked at Jace and Izzy to give off the sign that she know what she was doing. Clary figured that something like this would happen, so she came up with a backup plan. When they arrived in the Spiral Labyrinth, Imogen looked around.

Imogen: I don't see him.

Clary: Of course you don't, because he's not here.

When Imogen looked to see Clary not by her side, but on top of the Spiral Labyrinth roof.

Clary: Flight rune, pretty cool huh?

Clary then closed the door and made sure to lock it with a locking rune.


Clary made another portal and went back to the Institute.

Jace: That was quick.

Izzy: What did you do?

Clary: I locked her inside the Spiral Labriynth.

Izzy/Jace: You did what?

Clary: And I locked her in, so there's no way she can get out.

Jace: You do realize the Spiral Labyrinth is filled with Warlocks who can make portals, right?

Clary: As if they would be willing to help her.

Izzy: I can only imagine her face when she gets out.

Clary: At least it will buy us time to find Valentine before he finds Alec.

Jace: Good point.

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