Chapter Two<3

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Courtnies P.O.V 

          I have no clue what to expect. Lyndsay said to meet her at this address. How could this be true? This flat is ginormous, unless her boyfriend is a millionaire, or had robbed a bank how could they of paid for this flat? I rung the door bell, no answer. I guess it was some type of prank. Well that's Lyndsay for you.  I rung again in case she just didn't hear it the first time. Finally she answered! Standing behind her was Liam Payne of One Direction! I went into total shock! How could this be happening my best friend is dating a member of One Direction my all time favorite band! Could this day get any better? 

"Hey!!!! Courtnie! I haven't seen you in forever! Ive missed you so much!!" Lyndsay said cheerfully as tear began to fill her eyes 

"You've changed so much I Cant believe its been six years! " As she went in for a hug! 

"I know Ive missed the U.K. so much! I'm so happy to be back! and I get to see my best friend any day I want!"

"Come in and tell us more about your experience back in the U.K." Liam said

"Thank you for inviting me!  this flat is huge! " I said as I sat down in the screening room.

"So, Not to get all in your business but why did you move from the U.K. in the first place?" asked Liam

Lyndsay just looked at me with tears in her eyes. Lyndsay has always been close to my family  and especially my younger sister veronica.

" Well My Father was in the Air Force and so we moved around a lot. When I was 2 we moved to the U.K. from America. At about age 13 my Mum, Sister, Father, and I were in a car wreak which lead to the death of my Mum and little sister, she was only 5.  After the incident we moved back to America because we needed to be around family. Now being almost 19 I came back to live in the U.K. because I believe this is my home not America." I said as the tears streamed down my face.

"I'm so sorry! I shouldn't of had you tell me the story. I feel so bad right now" Liam apologized

i just shrugged it off.

"Can I ask you a question Liam?" I said Cheerfully

"Sure why not?" He replied

"Whats it like to be famous? Like to be in One Direction?" I asked

"Well its a blast sometimes we just never know whats going to happen next"

"Oh, Well to be honest I idolize the band. The music always seems to make me smile, but overall I was always attracted Niall the most. I met him today at Nandos, he gave me his number but I'm to scared to call him." I uttered

 "Well why don't we invite him over for movie night since Kyla and Zayn couldnt make it" Lyndsay suggested

"Are you sure Lyndsay? I don't want to be a bother to him." I quickly stated

"He's probably sitting at home waiting for your phone call and eating!" Liam chuckled 

"Okay, you can call him, by the way what movie are we going to watch?" I changed the subject ever so quickly before I started to blush beat red.

 "Erm, Scream 4" Lyndsay grinned 

She knewI hated scary movies. Why would she do that! She called Niall and he agreed to come over. What a shock! 

"Now Courtnie, I know you hate scary movies but Niall can comfort you." She said with a wink

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