Chapter Three<3

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Niall's P.O.V.

I hope with all my heart that it is her. If only I knew what to wear. Should I be casual or should I be like "Oh look at me I'm hot" no just kidding! Casual it is. I know she is a friend of Lyndsay's but would she date me? Oh man how I'm acting all cliche and desperate. I guess i'll just go over there now and see for my self!

I arived at Liam and Lyndsays house, and walked into the screening room. I saw a girl, shes so beautiful, its her! I walked over and sat down next to her.

"Hey, why didn't you call me" I blurted.

Gosh why am I dumb its obvious she doesn't care for me.

"I just, didn't want to bother you, I'm a fan of you and I thought I would be annoying so I just didn't think twice about it. I'm sorry." Courtnie exclaimed

"Well, to be honest I gave you my number to call me because I thought you were extremely beautiful and that maybe we could talk a little. After you didn't call I thought oh maybe I was wrong and she wasn't interested in me after all." I said

"I am intrestered in youi I'm just stunded that my idol/celebrity crush is intrested in me! Because overall I am just an ordinary girl" She mummbled

"Ordinary is extraordinary! That's why i wanted to talk to you the most!"

"Erm...? Are we going to watch the movie or just talk?" Lyndsay interrupted

"Oh yeah the movie!! lets watch it!" I exclaimed!

"Wait is it going to be that scary?" Courtnie wined

"No I hope not!" Said Liam

Liam popped in the DVD and as the movie began I soon realized that Courtnie isnt enjoying the movie. She had her eyes closed and ears covered I tapped her on the shoulder and asked her if everything was alright. She just replied back "Yes, but this is just a little to scary for me". I felt bad for her. So I asked Liam if we could just watch Toystory. He jumped up with a big "yeee hawww" he had been waiting for me to ask since he was as frightened as a puppy. Even though this was like torture we all sung along to every song and listened to Liam quote each line of the movie. I think this was a pretty amazing night! It was about 1 A.M. and I was about to head home and so was Courtnie. I stopped her in the door way and asked,

"So, are you ever going to call me?"

"In the morning I will " She replied with a cute little smile.

I gave to a little farewell kiss on the forehead. We said our goodbyes and she left. I wonder if shes falling for me as much as I am falling for her. I will just have to wonder and wait until the time comes to ask her out on an official date.

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