9) Meeting his family

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Emilys pov (3 months later)

Its been three months since Jace saved me and those have been the best three months ever . Me and Jace have gotten so much closer and I think i'm in love with him. Whenever  I see him I get loads of butterflies in my stomach and my heart starts beating faster. Me and Emma are best friends and the gang treat me like their little sister.  My life's way better now. I woke up this morning and Jace told me I am meeting his family which is making me really nervous what if they don't like me or what if I'm not good enough.

I had a shower and wore my blue lace undergarments and wore a blue dress which went a bit above my knees. I then curled my hair and put light blue eyeshadow mascara and lip gloss on. I put my blue wedges on before going downstairs to meet Jace and Emma. We then left and went into Jaces BMW and started the hour journey with me shaking from being so nervous and Jace and Emma trying to console me.

Once we arrived, we got out the car and Jace knocked on the door where his mother and sister opened.  She hugged Jace and Emma before stopping at me. "Hi Miss King It's nice to meet you I'm Emily" I said politely holding my hand out to shake but she pulled me in her arms and told me to call her Anne. Once she invited us in she said her boyfriend was coming to meet us and that she was going to cook. I went to the kitchen and helped her set the table and then put food out. Everyone except for annes boyfriend was seated at the table when the bell rang and Anne excused herself to answer it.

She came to the kitchen with a guy that looked really familiar. No it can't be he moved and left me. "Ryan?" I asked him and everyone looked at both of us. He stopped talking to Anne and looked up it is Ryan. I got out of my seat and hugged him "Emily what are you doing here" he asked confused.  I told him that I was dating Jace and he told me he was dating Anne. Everyone else was confused so me and Ryan sat at the table.    " Well Jace you already know my story as well as Emma but me and Ryan know each other because he is my god father and also my dad's best friend. After my mom died I got told Ryan moved away and left me like everyone else. I couldn't contact him because I had no money to but he didn't know about my dad and how he treated me" I told everyone and looked up to see Ryan confused and everyone else a bit angry.

I knew that Jace and Emma were angry about the stuff my father done to me because they said I didn't deserve it. Anne and Ella (Jaces little sister) didn't know about this alomg with Ryan. After we ate dinner Ella was put to sleep and then Jace told them my story causing Ryan to get upset and mad thinking it was his fault and Anne to say that it wasn't my fault. Soon after we left and I felt happy anne was like a mother to me and this was my family.  This was me. This is what made me complete.

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